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A/N: Hello world! Yes, I am still alive, haha! Wow, it feels like it's been forever since I updated, and that's probably because it has. I'm so sorry it's been so long, but my life has been totally crazy since the new year. A lot of new things are happening, so much so that it's made my head spin (😅). Which reminds me, Happy (official) new year! (even though we're over a month in already!) Time really does fly, and again I apologize for being so slow to update. As always, I hope you all enjoy this one, which was a request from Claire_g16 💕 I have had a lot of questions about requests, and I want to assure you that if you've sent me one, I am working on it! However, starting today, I am going to have to put new requests on hold until I can get caught up with the chapters that I have in progress. Thank you all for your continued understanding and support! Love you guys always! Now that my rambling is over, on to the good stuff...
Song: "Enemiez" by Keke Palmer
Rating: Everyone


"I bite my tongue, it never hurt so bad. Keep wanting you to cross that line. I keep tryna get you to react."

"Really, Mac?! You couldn't be happy with just making a clean break in and out, could you? You just had to make a big show."

My lungs burn as we race through wooded greenery, branches and leaves whizzing past at our super-speed sprint.

"Well, I'm so sorry if I didn't expect armed assassins to be parading around the perimeter of the building!" he retorts in a raised voice.

Unfortunately, all I can think to myself is, Wow, Pakistan's forestry really would be beautiful if we weren't too busy right now running from murderous radicals.

Of course, that's how my hyperactive mind works. But, I push those thoughts aside and yell out loud, "What's your next bright idea, Sherlock?"

He reaches in his pocket, still running at a break-neck speed, and twists a spool of twine that he had picked up earlier, before lassoing it skillfully around a nearby tree branch.

We stop short, and he looks to me while I'm too busy assuming a tripod position to catch my breath. He gestures to the makeshift 'rope,' and I instantly know what he's insinuating.

I shake my head, defiant. "Oh heck no. You know I can't climb a rope! Do I have to remind you of my middle school nightmares all over again?"

But, he shows zero sympathy. "I can't help that you have the upper body strength of an eight-year-old."

"Mac, I'm serious!"

"Fine. Then, let me give you a boost."

He cups his hands, kneeling down for me to place my foot in his grasp. I sigh, taking a moment to look up at the tall tree above me, and gulp. "Are you sure this is sturdy?"

He snaps, "Do you really think we have time to contemplate this?!"

"Okay! Fine! You know, you don't have to be so aggressive about it," I clap back hastily.

"Y/N, come on!"


I step up, stretching my arms above me. But, unsurprisingly, I haven't grown any upper body strength since I was thirteen.

And, of course, it isn't but a moment later when we hear heavy footsteps and loud voices in the distance. "Oh shoot!"

I'm hanging onto the rope above me as Mac steps away to face our intruders head-on.

Knowing my attempts are futile, I jump down, landing with a thud in the dirt.

I barely have time to recover before two burly arms grab ahold of my neck. No matter how hard I fight, kick, and scratch, the tight lock around me only grows stronger. And there's too many of them surrounding us.

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