"How to Save a Life"

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A/N: Welcome back everyone! Special thanks to Stasiaboo11 for sending me this request! I'm so bummed that MacGyver season 4 is already over! But, I'm so THRILLED that it's been renewed for season 5! I can't wait to see what's next for the gang! Until then, I hope these stories can help fill the void! 💛💛💛
Song: "How to Save a Life" by The Fray
Rating: ⚠️ Warning - Mentions of suicide, which may be sensitive for some readers


"New girl, how many times do I have to tell you to stop socializing with the customers?! That doesn't make me money!"

You roll your eyes internally as your new boss shouts at you.

"I'll be right back with your coffee," you comply and tell your customer. "You said you wanted the house special, right?"

You have a new job at the Mission City diner, and it's your very first week. It hasn't been so bad, and you think you're getting the hang of it - all except for dealing with your obnoxious tool of a boss.

The day starts to really pick up as the lunch rush approaches, but you navigate with ease, swiftly jotting down orders and balancing trays.

On the downhill of the rush, you're getting ready to take your own lunch break when your coworker Cindi asks you if you can help her tend to the customers in her section because she's swamped.

You smile, happy to help her out.

"Step one, you say we need to talk. He walks, you say sit down, it's just a talk. He smiles politely back at you. You stare politely right on through."

When you approach the table in the corner, you see a blonde man with soft blue eyes seated in a chair. He fidgets nervously with a menu.

"Hi. What can I get you?"

He doesn't answer at first, and he hardly seems to be paying attention.

"Hello?" you say, trying to break him from his daze.

"Sorry. Um — can I get a coffee please?"

"Anything else?"

"I don't think so."


Well, he was certainly being kind of weird.

You pour his coffee, watching him from a distance, perplexed.

You sit the mug of hot liquid in front of him. "Here you go."

"Thank you." He gives you a light smile. But, he still looks preoccupied by something.

You consider for a moment before asking, "Are you alright?"

A look of surprise crosses his face, as if he's shocked you'd even ask.

He finally admits, "Honestly, not really. This is the diner I used to come to with my dad. I guess it just has a lot of memories for me. He died recently."

"I'm so sorry. That must be incredibly hard for you," you empathize.

You look around, searching for any sign of your boss. Yeah sure, he told you not to socialize with the customers, but he's no where in sight right now. Plus, this was supposed to be your lunch break anyway.

You untie your apron and slide it over the chair next to the blonde man and sit down.

"Do you want to talk about it? I'm a good listener," you suggest kindly.

"Aren't you kind of on the clock?"

"It's my lunch break, so no."

"You don't want to spend your break talking to me," he assures you.

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