"My Little Girl"

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A/N: Welcome back! I know I already did one that has parts similar to this, but I got a request from elizabeth0078332 to write a story inspired by the episode of "Friends" where Rachel gives birth (p.s. If you've never seen it, I give you full permission to stop reading this and go watch it 😉👍). So, if you've seen that episode, you may notice a few similarities. As always, I hope you love it! (By the way, the song is "My Little Girl" by Tim McGraw.)
Rating: Everyone








"Good. Why isn't anyone here yet?" you ask your husband of almost three years now.

As your mind swirls frantically, Mac steadies your shoulders. "Babe, calm down. It's still early. You're stressing way too much about this. It's just a birthday party."

"I know. You're right. But, our little girl only turns one once. I want it to be special."

"I know you do, and it will be special because she has so many people who love her so much and, not to mention, the best mom in the world."

Smiling, you take a seat on the couch, tired from the party stress. Mac follows suit.

"It's so crazy to think that it's been a whole year," Mac admits, baffled. "Think about how different our lives were just a year ago."

"Yeah. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into," you joke, and he laughs. "I'm just kidding. But, think about where we were exactly this time last year. I'm serious when I say that I was convinced she was never coming out of there," you laugh. "I'm so glad she did, though."

"Me too."


"I remember I thought you looked like an angel wrapped in pink, so soft and warm. You've had me wrapped around your finger since the day you were born."

"We have tried everything, and I feel nothing," you whine while shifting uncomfortably on the couch.

"That's not true. There's one thing the doctor suggested that we haven't tried," Mac suggests, wiggling his eyebrows. You know exactly what he's getting at.

"No. I can't do it. Mac, I feel like I'm 5 years pregnant. I definitely do not feel attractive right now. I'm sorry, but sex is not an option."

"Come on. I happen to think you're extremely sexy pregnant."

You think about how you must look with your hair pulled up in a messy bun, sweatpants, and a way-oversized t-shirt covering your rather large belly, and you give him a side-eye, disbelieving. "Flattery will get you nowhere."

"Hey, I'll do anything to get that baby out of you. I can't take the mood swings anymore."

Your eyes go wide. Did he seriously just say that? "Did you just tell a nine-month pregnant woman that she's moody? Do you want me to smack you?"

"I'm sorry. I take it back. I just wish she would get here already."

"You? How do you think I feel?"

Clearly, Mac dug himself far too deep into that hole to ever have a chance of climbing out. So, he decides it's in his best interest to let it go and do his best at making you feel more comfortable. Truth is, you know you've been a little hard on him lately, especially the last couple of weeks. But, if he were pregnant, you're sure he would understand exactly why.

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