"This Side of Heaven"

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A/N: So, anyone who has been following my stories knows that I did a little "mini series" a while ago. I had so much fun with it, and unofficialargent kindly suggested that I do another one. So, it should come as no surprise that I agreed! With that being said, this will be three parts long. The song for this first part is by the Swon Brother's, and it's called "This Side of Heaven." P.S. the scene this picture (☝️) is from honestly gives me allllll the feels! I thought it was perfect for this story! 💙

Rating: ⚠️LITTLE WARNING: This part may contain sensitive content for some people. Reader's discretion is advised.


The funny thing about life is that, just when you think you've figured it out, it always seems to send you a giant curveball. Sometimes those curveballs end up being the best in the world, but sometimes they end up being the worst. The problem is, you never know for sure which hand you're going to be dealt.


Sitting in the dark room, your body feels weak, your mind numb. You can't understand how you got here. One second it seems you were on top of the world, and the next? Rock bottom.

You're curled up on the living room couch, the sleeves of Mac's oversized sweatshirt wrapped around your body in an attempt to hold yourself together - afraid you might break if you let go. The blank TV screen in front of you seems to mock you. You know that if you turn it on, no matter what comes on, it wouldn't be able to cheer you up.

It's 3 AM, and you know Mac is asleep in bed, but no matter how hard you try, you can't sleep. It's just one of those nights. Your mind just rewinds and fast-forwards— reliving the past few weeks over and over again.

***2 weeks ago***

"Young couple laughing, crying, celebrating. Two little pink lines showed up clear as a bell..."

"Oh my god. Oh my god." Sitting on the edge of the bathroom vanity, one hand over your gaping mouth, you stare at the pregnancy test in front of you.

Two lines.

Two pink lines.

It takes a few moments of just sitting there to finally come to the true realization.

I'm pregnant.

Suddenly, a wave of emotion crashes over you, and your eyes gloss with tears.

You and Mac have been married for barely a year. Of course, you've talked about having kids, and you know it's something you both want. It's just that this was completely and totally unplanned, and you never expected it so soon in your marriage. You two still have a lot to do before thinking about having a family.

After what seems like an eternity, you collect yourself, turning to stand in front of the mirror. A thousand thoughts race through your mind. Wiping at your tear stained face, you take a few deep breaths. Then, your eyes fall to your stomach, and something pings in your heart. A few more tears fall as you place your hand there. That's when you realize that, maybe this wasn't planned, but above every emotion you're feeling right now, the strongest is definitely love.

The problem is, how on Earth do you tell Mac? You have to tell him in the right way, but what is the right way? Suddenly, you panic when you hear the front door open and Mac's voice echo, "I'm home!"


You have to hide this test somewhere. Mac cannot find it until you figure out exactly how to tell him. Unsure of what to do, you just shove the test in your back jean's pocket and pull your shirt down over it. As long as it's with you, he can't find it... right?

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