"Any Other World"

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A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you to unofficialargent for requesting this song and to sunlightholland22 for sending me this story request. As requested, the reader is a Shield Agent. But, I'm not really a huge Marvel fan, so I wasn't sure what to do with that. Nonetheless, I tried! Also, I have to say that I love the meaning behind this song. Sometimes something beautiful happens in life that makes us completely change the way we perceive our world, and there's something so profound about that. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it! Happy imagining! 🌻📖📎
Song: "Any Other World" by Mika
Rating: Suggests some mature content
⚠️Warning: Mentions of domestic abuse


"Y/N, it's my birthday, so that means you have to do what I say," Desi, your long-time friend warns you. "You should come meet my friends tonight. We're doing this whole dinner thing."

"I thought you said you weren't going to make friends with your new coworkers," you retort as you're both walking through the Martial Arts History Museum. You knew that Desi always wanted to go, so you finally got tickets for the both of you for her birthday and decided to fly out to California to celebrate with her.

"Like you have room to judge," she tells you. "People change. But, you're one to talk. Ms. 'I'll never settle down.' If you keep sleeping with every guy you meet, you're eventually going to fall for one of them."

"Ha. First of all, I do NOT sleep with every guy I meet. And second of all, you're wrong. Not me. Relationships are messy. You know I don't do the relationship thing."

"Fine. I won't keep arguing with you about it." And on that note, she switches the subject back. "Come on. You live all the way in DC, and you hardly ever come to LA. Everyone is dying to meet you."

"Why's that?"

"Because they can't believe I actually have friends."

You chuckle. "Okay, fine. I'll come to dinner since it means that much to you. So, where are we going?"

"A restaurant Mac recommended."

"Mac?" you ponder out loud. You're not sure why, but that name hits you with a strangely familiar feeling.

"One of my new friends," she clarifies.

You brush it off, walking along and wondering, Why does that name sound so familiar?


Later, after you return to Desi's apartment to get cleaned up and dressed up, you and Desi are walking into the fairly up-scale LA restaurant.

You take in the scenery as Desi scans the tables of people until she announces, "Oh, there they are."

You try to assess the group of people standing near a table on the other side of the room, and your eyes quickly land on one of them. You stop in your tracks, eyes going wide.

Oh shit.

Now you know why the name 'Mac' seemed so familiar.

"Uh, Des, I don't think this is a good idea. I really don't want to impose on you guys," you yearn, really not wanting to face this seemingly imminent situation.

But, she just tugs you along. "Come on."

You try to stop her and truly explain, but she pulls you along behind her before you can.

You stop short in front of the group, and Desi says her hellos. Almost instantly, Mac's eyes find yours, and his expression is almost unreadable, clearly trying to cover up the shock that he can't quite completely hide.

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