"Hands to Myself"

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A/N: Hi everybody! I feel like I just need to take a moment to thank every single one of you once again for the undying support you show me! You all mean the absolute world to me and are the reason I do what I do 😘❤️ Okay, with that said, I have another one for you! Thank you so much to iamweird552 for requesting this song! It inspired a ton of ideas 😉😜 I also used a little inspiration from episode 5X01 (hence the above picture). Much love to you all! 💕
Song: "Hands to Myself" by Selena Gomez
Rating: Mature content





Seated silently in Mac's truck, all you can do is stare at the clock illuminated on the dash, watching each agonizing minute creep by. The rain tap-dances against the aluminum top of the car, slyly sliding down the glass of the windshield in front of you.

About an hour ago, you two ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere whilst on an intel mission. So, Mac told you to stay in the car while he searched for a gas station, someone who could help, or otherwise any sign of life on Earth. Now, it's been over half an hour since he walked off, and he's still not back.

You fidget anxiously with your phone, begging for a signal before throwing it down with a huff. "I hate sitting here and doing nothing."

By now, it's raining so hard you can't even see out the windshield.... not to mention it's so quiet out here in nowhere land.... eerily quiet.

The moments pass slowly until the click of the driver's door startles you. Mac steps into the vehicle, soaked from head to toe. It looks more like he just took a swim in a lake as opposed to walked through the rain.

Little droplets of water jump from his body to the seat, the console, and just about everything else around him.

"Any luck? I was worried you weren't coming back."

"Nothing. There's no sign of life around here anywhere, and between the darkness and the pouring rain, there's no use in trying anything else until morning."

"So, we're stuck here in this car?" This certainly is not what you expected from this mission. "Fantastic," you sigh under your breath, dripping sarcasm. With an angry fire igniting deep within, you argue, "This is just great! I told you to get gas before we left. But, did you? Of course not. 'Mr. Know it all' couldn't stand someone else telling him what to do."

"Yeah?" He perks up, and you can practically see the anger rising in his chest. "Maybe if......" But, he stops short, breathing out a long breath. "....I know. I'm sorry."

You snap your head around to face him, shocked. "Wait, you're not going to argue with me?"

You and Mac have no problem getting along when life is calm. But, when tensions are high, having a friendly argument has always been how you destress. It may sound stupid, but it's always worked.

"No. No arguments this time."

Your face softens, suddenly distracted by the way Mac is looking at you from the driver's seat, as if he's seeing you for the very first time. There's no more anger, no more frustration in his eyes.

And, for possibly the first time, you truly see him, too. Dripping wet from head to toe, a drop of water runs from his cheek, to his neck and chest, and even farther beyond his shirt until it disappears out of sight.

Your eyes scan the length of his body and the way his shirt clings to his chest. You can just about make out the outline of every muscle. The way the water makes the bare portions of his skin shine, brightened by the blue lights from the dashboard, causes your heart to skip a beat.

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