"Kindly Calm Me Down"

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A/N: Hello lovelies! Thank you so much to IrishPrincess_16 for suggesting this story and song. I'm sorry that it took so long to write, but I really hope you like it! For anyone who doesn't know, the song is "Kindly Calm Me Down" by Meghan Trainor. Best wishes to you all, and happy reading! 💫💙
Rating: Everyone


"You're kidding, right? There must be a mistake!" You sit at your boss's desk, confused and bewildered.

"I'm sorry, but we've had to make some cuts this year, and you were our most recent hire. Unfortunately, we have to let you go."

Of course. Whenever you think you've got it under control, life just has a way of throwing a wrench into your plans. One minute you think you have it all figured out. The next minute you're packing up your desk and leaving a huge part of your life behind, emotionally spent and unemployed.

After a good, inconspicuous cry in the bathroom you collect your dignity and leave your (now former) workplace. You decide to go to one of the few places that allows you to clear your head... the park.


"Life has a funny way of working itself out. You may not understand that now, but one day you will." These words ring through your ears as you sulk along the tree-lined pathway. Your grandmother used to say them all the time. "I hope you're right, Nana," you say, looking up at the bright blue sky. "I really hope you're right."

Consumed by your own thoughts and emotions, you pay no attention to your surroundings. You don't notice anyone near until, out of nowhere, you turn a corner and collide with another moving figure. "Oof," you run into a man, and the collision nearly knocks you over. But, before you can fall, he swiftly plants his arm around your waist to steady you.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" The man asks. Looking up at him, your eyes meet for a brief second, and a strange feeling blossoms somewhere deep within.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks. I wasn't even paying attention to where I was going," you admit sheepishly.

"No worries."

You and the stranger both smile before moving along in opposite directions.

Soon thereafter, you find a bench and take a moment to just breathe and think. Most wouldn't think twice about the brief, chance encounter you just had, and you are no different. But, what happens if it's more than just that? What if that encounter leads to something much bigger?

Sitting on the bench, you pull out your phone and earbuds. Listening to music always helps when you've had a bad day. The music fills your ears, you let yourself relax, and you manage to successfully drown out the world around you. Most days, drowning out the world would be fine, preferred even.

But not today.

That's because this means you can't sense the person lurking nearby, and you are oblivious when that person slyly sneaks up behind you.

Before you know it, you feel two huge arms grab you from behind. Instantly, you try to scream and claw against his hold, but the figure shoves a piece of cloth over your mouth to silence you. Continuing to struggle to free yourself, you notice your body becoming weak and you realize the cloth covering your mouth has a distinctly sweet odor. That's when you realize it isn't just any cloth - it's soaked in chloroform. With that, your eyelids give in and your whole world goes dark.


"When I lose my mind would you still remind me? When I'm feeling lost would you come and find me?"

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