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A/N: Welcome back! :) Several of you requested a part 2 to my previous story, "'Kindly Clam Me Down,'" so I couldn't resist (If you haven't read that story, I suggest you do so before reading this one. It will make more sense). This story takes place about a year after agreeing to accept Matty's job offer at Phoenix, and it is inspired by the song "Dive" by Ed Sheeran. I hope you all enjoy it! Much love!
Rating: Everyone


"I told you we should've taken the stairs. You know, for a smart guy this was a really dumb idea," you snort while glaring at Mac. "You know what?" You pause. "I know what your problem is. You just think you're soooo good at everything that you can't even consider another person's perspective or advice. You're just that cocky," you suggest proudly.

"Hey, hey, hey," Mac retorts in an aggravated tone. He whirls around to face you. "First of all, I am not cocky.  Second of all, I thought the elevator would be faster.  Who knew we would get stuck in here?"

"Did I or did I not tell you that we should have taken the stairs? That's all I'm saying." You fold your arms in front of you in a matter-of-fact way. "If you would have just put your ego aside and considered my input for once, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess."

"That's rich!" Mac raises his voice in shock. "Especially considering you're the one that got us into this in the first place!" He points forcefully in your direction.  "We were doing just fine until you had to go and expose us to our target."

"Woah! What the hell?! That is not fair, and you know it!" you exclaim while returning the forceful finger point in Mac's direction.

"Whatever. Are you gonna help me try to open this door or not?" he asks.

The nerve of this guy sometimes!

You consider saying 'no,' but you ultimately decide that the sooner you two get out of this, the sooner you get away from Mac.


You walk over to where Mac stands in front of the elevator doors, rolling your eyes.  You both firmly grasp where the elevator doors meet and pull as hard as you can in opposite directions.  After struggling a great deal, the doors finally budge just enough to see through. 

"Great!," you exclaim sarcastically.  "We're stuck between floors!  And, even better news, I don't even have a phone to call Matty since you, once again, ripped it to shreds to use it for spare parts!" Your hands gesture at an unprecedented speed as you speak -- a sign that you're irate. "Now what do we do, genius?"

Mac clenches his jaw at that remark, clearly beyond furious with you.  You can sense the tension burning behind his eyes.  "There's a vent up there.  Maybe we can climb out," he manages to suggest in a somewhat calm tone.

"There's no way we could lift ourselves up there; it's too high. Just admit it, Mac. We're stuck in here."

Mac sighs aggressively. "Fine, we're stuck.  You happy?" Mac plops down on the elevator floor, defeated.

You sit down on the opposite wall, putting as much distance between you as possible.  Granted, that's not easy to do when you're stuck in a 5x6 foot box with no way out.

"Yeah, I'm freakin' thrilled," you reply, your tone dripping with sarcasm. 

A year ago, you never imagined you would be here. It's been just over a year since you joined Phoenix.  Although, sometimes it feels like that whole kidnapping disaster was a lifetime ago.  Looking at your life now, everything seems so different than it was then. Your relationship with Mac sure is. He was so kind and caring when you first met; you worked so well together, but since that day everything has just fallen to pieces. The problem is that you have no idea how it got like this. Every word you exchange feels filled to the brim with disgust and hatred.  One question continues to circle your mind. What went wrong? 

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