"When We Were Young"

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A/N: Hey guys! I am very happy to bring you all another story! This song was requested a while ago by stvenat- (Yes, I am super behind on fulfilling requests, but I'm still working on them!) As always, thank you all for your continued support, and I hope you like this one! 🌸🌼🌻🌞
Song: "When We Were Young" by Adele
Rating: Everyone


"Everybody loves the things you do from the way you talk, to the way you move. Everybody here is watching you 'cause you feel like home. You're like a dream come true."

The bright lights reflecting off every glittering surface around the room and the sparkling flutes of champagne being juggled around are almost enough to cover up the pain and sacrifice that this event represents - the pain and sacrifice that every single person in this room makes on a daily basis. This is the night when every US government agency around the country comes together for an annual recognition and award ceremony sponsored by the Excellence in Federal Government Awards Program. But, this is the first year I've been able to attend.

For the past forty-five minutes, I've been busy sipping wine and chatting with some other members of other agencies. It's honestly really nice to hear stories from people outside of the DEA. It's more cathartic than I ever imagined.

The night seems to go smoothly... well, except for one thing. As I do a glance around the vast room, I nearly drop my glass when I spot the tall stature and masculine figure of a man I haven't seen in years. I can hardly believe it, but when I pinch myself and I'm still standing, I realize my eyes really don't deceive me... it's him. Suddenly, the room and all the other people in it don't exist. Sounds muffle, my vision tunnels as I hone in on just him. I have to do a double take to convince my brain of what my eyes see. From his golden blonde locks, to those perfectly, placed dimples - It could only be him... It's Mac.

Instantly, my brain wonders, Has he seen me? Certainly not, right? But, I suddenly feel exposed and nervous. I excuse myself from my current conversation and duck away out of sight.

In the nearby bathroom, I catch my breath to compose myself. This isn't happening. I'm not quite sure what I feel in this moment. Is it anger? Upset? Confusion? Excitement? I mean, I couldn't deny the flutter in my chest I felt seeing him again after all this time. But, what about the way things ended between us? I never thought I'd see him ever again. But, here he is. So, to answer my own question... In this moment, I feel all of it. All of the above.

When I finally rejoin the party, I can't stop my eyes from searching the room until they land on him again. I stay hidden away in the corner, tucked in by myself and just watching him, while he laughs and schmoozes his companions and a group of other guests.

I harshly jump out of my reverie as the speakers on stage crackle to life, announcing the start of the ceremony and encouraging everyone to take their seats. Of course, when I take a seat and look down at the program in my hand, Mac's name is there, four down, as an award recipient. I shouldn't be surprised, after all. Everyone adores Mac, it's always been that way. He was always Mr. Attention when we were together - the smartest guy in any room. I never minded being in his shadow - until I did.

"But if by chance you're here alone, can I have a moment before I go? 'Cause I've been by myself all night long, hoping you're someone I used to know."

After the main ceremony has finished, all I can do is contemplate, as if my brain is in warp overdrive. Do I go up to him? No, that's stupid. I should just let sleeping dogs lie. But... I could regret it for the rest of my life if I don't at least approach him.

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