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A/N: Hi everyone! How are you all? I hope you're doing well. I don't have much to say about this one. It's just a cute little fluff ball. 🥰 💕 As always, let me know what you think.
Song: "Kingdom" by Carrie Underwood
Rating: Everyone


"That's the last of the kitchen stuff," I announce, packing the final box of our belongings and taping it shut with packing tape.

I sigh, writing the words "kitchen" on the top. Mac wraps his arms around me from behind and rests his chin on my shoulder. "You okay?"

"Yeah. It's just...." I trail off, not quite sure how to put how I'm feeling into words.

"I know." He finishes my thought, understanding perfectly.

"It's going to be so hard to say goodbye to this place. I mean, think about all the memories we've made here - all the life that's been lived in this house."

I look around at the kitchen and living area. It's nothing very special to look at. It's a little crowded in spots, especially with all of our things splayed out from packing the past few weeks. It's perfectly lived in.... but most importantly it's home.

I finish my thought, "It's hard enough for me to think about leaving after all the memories we've had here together. But, I didn't grow up here like you did. I can't imagine what you're going through."

He nods, a tinge of melancholy covering his face. "I was here for most of my life." He points to the corner of the living room. "My grandad showed me how to fix a radio right there. We played catch in the backyard so many times. Then, I have all those memories of living here with Bozer - the countless parties we've had on the deck."

"....Which is exactly where we fell in love the day Bozer introduced us," I add with a smile.

"I still remember the first night you stayed over. Which just so happened to be the first night I tried to cook dinner for you."

I chuckle at the disaster of a memory. "Who could forget that? Because it was the same night when I then had to cook dinner for both of us because you ruined the first one."

"To be fair, that ended up being one of our most memorable nights together."


"Then, there was the day you moved in here."

"...And then the night you proposed right there on the couch." I point, reminiscing about the moment he blurted out 'marry me?' while we were watching a movie because he just couldn't hold it back anymore.

"Then, all the years of us trying to adjust to married life."

I glance around at the mess of toys and stuffed animals scattered around the living room.

As if reading my mind, Mac adds, "I'll never forget the day you told me we were going to be parents. Then, how terrifying it was to bring the twins home from the hospital. I can't believe how much they've grown over the past few years. It's crazy when you actually sit down and think about it. In just a few years, they've gone from crawling across the floorboards through the living room to running up and down the hall."

I sigh with a bittersweet smile. "Some of my favorite memories of us were made in this house. From the happiest ones.... to the most frustrating...."


"It's two kids flying down the hall in the morning into our bedroom. It's a creaky board on the front porch; you swear you're gonna fix it soon. It's the kitchen table where we say our prayers and give a little thanks to the man upstairs. It's the feeling I get, baby, when I look at you."

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