"I Hope You're Happy Now"

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A/N: HELLO! Welcome back! I got this request from moonlightholland22 a while ago as a second part to "She'll Never Love You." (I promise I didn't forget, even though I know it took a while! This one was honestly a bit of a struggle for me because I endlessly fought with myself about where to take it. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️) Also, it includes a minor cross-over with the show "FBI." I hope you all like it! 💜💜💜
Song: "I Hope You're Happy Now" by Carly Pearce and Lee Brice
Rating: Everyone


It's been almost four years since you left LA and moved across the country. With Matty's recommendation, you got a new position with the New York division of the FBI as one of their lead team's hacker.

You made friends with your new coworkers after no time at all, but there always seemed to be something missing.

After moving so far away, you started to lose contact with Riley. Perhaps you could tell yourself it was because of the distance, but that's not entirely true. The true reason was something you couldn't explain, or more accurately, something that you didn't know how to explain.

So, you told her that the FBI sent you on an open-ended mission overseas. No, that wasn't true. But, you decided that lying in order to protect your sister was better than facing the truth.

You swore you wouldn't let your history with Mac come between you and Riley, but unfortunately life made that impossible. Your number-one priority has always been to do what's best for everyone around you. But, the constant worry that you might have made the wrong decisions has been haunting you ever since that day you left.

"It's all on me; it's my mistake. I said 'I don't love you' a little too late. But, I guess there ain't ever a right time, and I don't know why it's called a goodbye."

Today, you're currently in the middle of a mission, which involves some of the most notorious members of 'The Five Families' of the New York Italian Mafia. So, while your teammates O.A. Zidan and Maggie Bell infiltrate an 'invitation only,' high-profile party to gain information, you're hiding out in the getaway van where you're also able to scout out the area with infrared, keeping a lookout for any unwanted visitors.

The mission seems to be moving smoothly - well, as smoothly as something like this can go - all until you notice some suspicious movement to the east of your position.

"Guys, we have incoming from the east," you say over your coms.

"How far out?" Maggie asks you.

"They're approaching fast. Looks like three people, maybe. They're headed right toward me."

"We've done all we can in here, anyway," O.A. says with a frustrated sigh. "We're on our way."

"I'll hold them off until you get here," you proclaim.

The infrared figures approach on foot, and when they're mere feet away, you steel yourself, unholstering your gun and strategically swinging the back door of the van open. (Thank goodness for that weapons training you insisted upon when you took the job.)

The swinging of the door knocks one of the figures to the ground, and you quickly level your gun at the others, ready to do what you have to do. But, that's when you realize that the people standing there are no strangers.


"Riles," you answer in shock as you stare back at your sister. If you could see your own expression right now, you're sure it would look just about the same as hers.

You look down to see Bozer on the ground. He must have been the one you hit with the door. You quickly put your gun away, jumping out of the van. You extend a hand to Bozer. "Boz, I'm so sorry."

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