"End Up With You"

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Author's Note: Hi everyone! This is my very first imagine, and since you started reading this far, I really hope you take a chance and finish reading!  If you enjoy it, please give it a "vote," and feel free to comment below with any feedback/suggestions.  This first imagine is inspired by the song "End Up With You" by Carrie Underwood.  You can hear the song by clicking on the video above.  Happy reading! :) 
Rating: Everyone 


"I don't really care 'bout making any plans. Leave it up in the air; give it up to chance."

You've always been a planner. You maintain an extremely tight schedule, and you pride yourself in being able to stick to it. Perhaps you could say that, in some ways, it's a bit of a character flaw; you're never one to do anything on a whim - that is until today.

You've been crazy busy with work, and Mac has been away on a week-long mission. You haven't seen much of each other, so you've decided that tonight should be a day for just the two of you - a day where you just let go of the stress and see where the wind takes you.

You walk in the front door, instantly slipping of the shoes that have been killing your feet all day long. You noticed Mac's car in the driveway, so you guessed he had gotten home not long before you.

"Mac, I'm home" you shout just as he starts walking down the hall toward you.

"Hey. How was work? I missed you."

"Ugh. The usual, but I am so glad to be home.  I missed you too... Hey, since we're both finally home together, I have an idea."

"Oh, really? And what would that be?" Mac asks with a grin.

"Let's get out and go somewhere, just the two of us," you suggest.

"That sounds amazing. So, where do you wanna go?"

"Anywhere. Let's just drive and see where it takes us." Mac looks at you shocked, but also intrigued. He's beginning to like this new whimsical side of you. 

Minutes later, you're both in Mac's car headed toward the highway. A comfortable silence falls between the two of you as Mac drives through the quiet, winding roads that connect your house to the freeway.  You watch the green scenery around you filled with thick trees and shrubbery. The sun is slowly beginning to dim as it sets into a pool of reddish orange sky. 

One of Mac's hands rests on the steering wheel while the other sits comfortably on the armrest between you. You gently grab his hand and interlock your fingers as you glance over and gaze at him, admiring his gorgeous features.  You watch the way his blonde locks frame his face with stray strands falling slightly out of place.  As he looks over at you and gives you a sweet smile, you get lost in the blueness of his eyes and the effortlessness of his grin. He lifts your interlocked hands to his lips and kisses your hand ever so sweetly. 

"You are absolutely amazing, you know that?" He asks rhetorically. "I'm so glad we finally get to spend some ti - "  Just then, you hear a loud clunking noise coming from the front of the car.

"Oh no," breathes Mac, hesitantly. The car begins to slow until it comes to a complete stop.   

"We could end up broke down on some back road..."

"Did we just - ?"

"Break down? Yeah, we did," Mac answers sadly.

"Well, now what do we do?" you ask expectantly.

"It'll take too long to get a tow truck out here. I could see if I could fix it, but that could take a while. It'll be dark soon. Plus, we're not too far from home, so maybe we should just walk back and worry about the car tomorrow. We've both had a long week, and I don't wanna waste anymore time that I can be spending with just you," Mac answers, looking at you expectantly.

"Okay, I guess I can't argue with that," you say giving Mac a quick kiss on the cheek. You both climb out of the Jeep and start your walk back to the house. As you're almost home, the sun has finally set, and you notice the first star of the night begin to shimmer in the darkening sky.  You say a quick wish and sigh as you lean into Mac's side.

"We're almost home," he assures you.  He can tell that you're a little frustrated and tired, and to be completely honest, so is he. Finally, you reach your driveway and complete the final trek to the front door of your home.

"Thank goodness!" you exclaim.  "Where's the  key?"

"Uhh, I thought you had it," Mac admits wide-eyed.

"Well, I thought you had it," you refute.

"That's just great! Could this night get any worse? Now we can't even get into our own house!" Mac raises his voice flabbergasted.

"Hey, it's okay.  Maybe this isn't so bad after all. I mean, it's a beautiful night!" you reply.  Mac takes a deep breath and nods.  You grab his hand and lead him over to the grassy area in the backyard.  You lie down and gently pull Mac down beside you as you both gaze up at the stars while listening to the constant chirp of the crickets and slight rustle of the trees in the summer breeze.    

"Get home and we're locked out.  Middle of the backyard layin' down.  Last thing that I'd worry 'bout."

Mac turns to his side and gazes at you, squeezing your hand gently.

"Hey, Y/N, I'm sorry that tonight didn't exactly turn out the way you probably hoped it would.  We haven't gotten to spend much time together lately, and I hoped that tonight could have been a night to just let go of all the worry and stress about work and focus on us again.  I guess that idea kind of failed," he says disappointedly.

"That's not entirely true." You look up into his captivating gaze again. "Yes, tonight may have unfolded a little unexpectedly, but that doesn't matter." You reach your free hand up to his face and stroke his cheek. "The important thing is that I'm here with you, the man who I love more than anyone or anything in this world." Mac removes his hand from yours and wraps it firmly around your waist, pulling you tight to his body. He stares into your eyes - full of love and admiration - and he places a sweet but passionate kiss to your warm lips. He doesn't say anything, and he doesn't have to. The love in his eyes says enough. You both lay there contented, watching the stars and appreciating each other's company until you slowly drift to sleep in each other's embrace.

"I just want one thing when the night is through.  All I wanna do is end up with you"

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