"Every Other Weekend"

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A/N: Hello, lovelies! 💕 I am so happy to share the second part to "Battleships!" Many of you told me you were eagerly waiting to see what comes next, so here it is. Hopefully this helps fill the "MacGyver" void until the next episode, since it won't be on this week or next. 😢 Also, I have decided to extend this story into a third part! Let me know what you think about this one! 💛💛💛
Song: "Every Other Weekend" by Reba McEntire (Duet with Kenny Chesney)
Rating: Everyone

***Y/N's POV***

"Every other Friday, it's toys and clothes in backpacks. Is everybody in? Okay, let's go see Dad. Same time in the same spot. Corner of the same old parking lot. Half the hugs and kisses. They are always sad. We trade a couple words and looks and kids again every other weekend."

"Jack, let's go! We're going to be late."

"I can't find the magnetic levitator I made! I was going to show Dad."

I peek into Jack's room as he's scrambling to find his newest invention in his crowded mess. He was so proud of the levitator when he finally finished it. But, for a bright boy, his organizational skills need some help.

"Where's Puppers?!" Ellen suddenly yells from the room next door before sprinting to find me.

"We'll find him, honey," I promise her.

Since the split, that stuffed dog has been like her security blanket.

"I can't sleep without him!"

My mom peeks her head in the room and suggests to Ellen, "Let's go look in the living room. He has to be here somewhere." She takes Ellen's hand as I help Jack find his levitator, and I give Mom a gracious nod.

My mom has been a complete life-saver ever since the kids and I moved in with her... after the divorce. Now, it's been nearly a year since Mac and I decided to split. The custody hearing was intense and so much harder on the kids than I ever wanted it to be. The judge eventually granted me primary custody. With Mac being away so much for his job, it seemed that would be the best scenario. They needed at least some resemblance of stability.

Jack crawls under his bed as I search the closet. "Here it is!" he finally exclaims.

"Perfect. Do you have everything else?"

"I think so."

"Okay." I brush his messy hair out of his eyes. "Let's go."

So, this is the new 'normal,' it seems. Right after school, every other Friday, we pack up everything so the kids can spend the weekend with Mac. I swear to myself every time that we won't be late. But, something always seems to slow us down.

So, it's no surprise that I find Ellen sitting on the couch with a sad pout. "No luck?" I wonder.

"No Puppers," Mom chimes in. "But, we found Luna the Lion," she suggests with encouragement. "Ellen decided she could sleep with her this weekend instead. Right, sweet pea?"

"I guess."

But, the despair in my little girl's sad blue eyes only twists the knife in my stomach harder.

I glance at my watch, and I realize we're already ten minutes late. "Okay, let's go. Everyone in the car."

I sigh. "Thanks, Mom," I mouth before going to face the the recurrent biweekly hardest moment of my life.


When we arrive at the usual spot - an empty parking lot at the park - midway between Mac's house and my Mom's - Mac is waiting, leaning against the door of his car.

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