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A/N: Hi everyone! This next imagine is based on the song "Backsliding" by Carrie Underwood. I know I already used a Carrie song in my first imagine, but I am a huge fan of hers and this song gave me some serious inspiration. I promise I will be including a more diverse array of music soon. I hope you enjoy! :)

Rating: Everyone


"I'm not supposed to be thinkin' 'bout you lying here in this bed. Too much has gone wrong, and we should move on. That's what we both said. There's a million reasons why we said goodbye, why we couldn't try, couldn't fight for it anymore..."

It just didn't work. That's all you could say. Your relationship was like fire on gasoline. When things were good, you burned bright. However, it seemed you burned too hot, too fast. You wanted it to work more than anything in this world. Mac was like the sun to you, and you thought you were happy together. That was until small things started getting in the way. You worked late hours, and Mac spent so much time traveling and saving the world. You both had your own ambitions, and you didn't want to hold each other back. Not to mention, you began arguing over everything. You both knew why you had to end it; you were getting in each other's way. But, lying here in your cold bed with the curtains drawn, the reasons that you had come to know all too well were beginning to fade.

Your room is dark and cold. The moon seems to be hiding behind the dark clouds as a steady rain falls on the roof above you. You can't help but sense a feeling of loneliness in the air as it cuts through you like a dull knife. You keep running it back in your head - the moment you ended it, the moment you both said goodbye. In honesty, that moment may have been the toughest moment of your life. You had been through breakups before, but this one was different. Unlike with your previous relationships, you still love Mac. That's what frustrates you the most. You lay here telling yourself that you have to let him go. You have to move on and forget about the moments you shared. But, there are too many memories. You can't let them go, and deep down inside you know you don't really want to.

As the moments lull by, you sigh and reach down to pull the cold bedsheets over your head, hoping to escape from the world around you. You hope that you can just fall asleep because the funny thing about dreams is that they let you escape reality for a while. Every night in your dreams, you're with Mac. Nothing is wrong, and the world just seems right. But, no matter how hard you try, there's no chance of falling asleep tonight. You aren't sure if it's better that way or not. Although escaping to your dream world always seems perfect, once you wake up, reality hits you with a deep ache in the pit of your stomach.

With another sigh, you peek your head back through the sheets and glance at the illuminated numbers from the clock on your nightstand. It reads 1:56AM. You turn your restless body and release a long, heavy sigh. You push yourself up from the soft mattress, make your way down the hall, and descend the staircase to the kitchen. You grab a glass and fill it with water. You take a small sip before placing the almost-full glass in the sink, letting the rest of the water spill out. You weren't really thirsty; you just needed something to distract you.

You turn around to make your way back up the stairs to your bedroom, but instead of climbing back into bed, you meander your way over to the dresser on the other side of the room. You slowly open the middle drawer before reaching your hand toward the back of it. You pull out a small wooden box. This is where you keep little mementos like state keychains, concert tickets, and movie stubs. But, one thing in particular peaks your interest tonight. You see the small paper clip you were searching for and pull it out. This wasn't any ordinary paper clip. It was bent and transformed from its original boring shape into the shape of a heart.

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