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Using his quirk on the top of a mountain, where his father also trained, he received new burns. He could handle it though... he wanted this. He wanted to be a hero!

Todoroki Toya, only five years old, was exposed to the horrors of his family after overworking himself just so his father can be proud.

Todoroki Enji, being the father and No.2 hero, going by the name Endeavor, only yearned for power and would do anything to beat the number one hero; All Might.

Todoroki Rei, the mother of Toya and wife of Enji wasn't in the best state of mind for a while as her child was overworking himself, and she couldn't do a single thing about it.

As the number two hero in Japan continued to train his first born son, he had three more kids. Well, when the second oldest and only female, Fuyumi, arrived, Enji seemed like a decent father despite the thing he wanted was a child that possessed both ice and fire powers, as he had the fire and his wife has ice.

Toya had blue flames as Fuyumi had ice, but their father wanted more. When the third child arrived, Natsuo, the boy possessed an ice quirk. That frustrated the No.2 and that's when things took a turn. He wasn't pleased with how things were going and started to train Toya harder than before.

However, maybe things would look bright. For Enji that is. The fourth child, the child he wanted and yearned for so much finally came, possessing both ice and fire powers, carrying the name Shoto.

After the youngest in the family got his quirk, Enji didn't care to train Toya as much as he did before. Toya was thirteen by the time his youngest brother got his quirk, to which Shoto was four. The oldest sibling was jealous of his youngest sibling, that he impressed his father by just obtaining a mere quirk.

He wanted to be a hero too, he worked so hard, and was now tossed aside like trash. Was this all for nothing? He was supposed to get into the greatest hero courses in Japan. U.A. High School, a place where you are guaranteed success in your life as a hero once you graduate.

"Natsu... He doesn't care about me anymore, all he thinks about is Shoto because he has a better quirk then me. I feel like dying... I don't want to live anymore. If the number two hero in Japan... if my dad... doesn't think I'm good enough to become a hero, I don't want to be here anymore!" Toya cried, hugging his brother tightly.

"Don't say that Toya-Nii! You can become a hero too. Prove dad wrong." Natsuo encouraged his big brother.

"But it's hard... I don't want to hurt myself anymore. I have small scars forming around my body... no one will like me if I have them all over my face, and arms, and legs." Tears fell on the floor slightly seeping through the wooden floor boards.

"I also heard that it's hard Nii-san. But... I still think you can do it. You said that you really, REALLY, wanted to become a hero, right? Just don't over work yourself, you'll still get into that school."

Toya thanked his younger brother but seemed unconvinced. He already made an escape plan, to leave this house and never look back. The thirteen year old packed his bag with clothes, food, money, and other necessities.

Night time rolled in the blink of an eye, and under the cover of darkness he slowly left the house, not making a peep and making sure not to wake anyone up. The house Toya lived in was enormous. A Japanese style house that was like a maze, though the boy made it out as the only obstacle left was the big gate that connected his house and large garden to the outside world.

He climbed over a big wall instead of opening the gate since it had a lock on it. Up and over, jumping down the wall without hurting himself, now was the time to make a run for it.

He ran, and ran, and ran until he didn't know where he was. The boy was unsure if that was a good or bad thing, but at least his dad couldn't find him.

Toya was in the city, where there were bright lights, massive buildings, and many people. Most of those people being adults who were out to drink, gamble or hook up. This wasn't a safe area, and the boy had to get away before he got hurt.

"AAAHHH!!" A woman yelled pointing to someone running away. "Thief, he stole my purse!"

"Mine too!" another lady yelled. "Shit... he took my wallet." A man was pissed off. A villain on the loose stealing peoples belongings in the blink of an eye. Toya had to get away, but something caught his eye. A hero swooped in just in time to save the night. Knocking out the villain with his shield.

The Shield Hero: Crust! It was the first time Toya saw pro hero in person. Well, not counting his father since he doesn't act the way he does outside versus the way he acts in home. Toya managed to get closer to the crime scene and getting a closer look at Crust as well. He looked really cool in his opinion.

"Oh. Hello there young fellow." Crust greeted Toya. He was the only kid there, so he stood out a lot. Toya was shy, he waved. "Where are your parents, do you need help finding them?"

"Ah! That looks like Endeavor's kid, doesn't he?" A young woman pointed. Everyone started to agree and mumble about the boy. "I uhh... I got lost. B-but I can find my way back home with ease. N-no need to worry."

"No way kiddo." Crust, crossed his arms. "It's my job to protect you and everyone else. Doesn't matter if your daddy is the number two hero." People giggled to that as Toya also chuckled along. "C'mon, I'll take you to the authorities and they'll help you out." Crust took the boys' hand and together they went to the police station.

Why wasn't Toya running away? He had the chance to make a run for it. But he didn't. After he saw this hero in action, he wanted to become like the rest of those heroes as well. He didn't think of his dad for that moment though. The boy was happy and wanted to be like that for the rest of the night.

That is... until he gets lashed out around 2 AM by his father about why he ran away, after the police contacted the man.

But Toya was determined to get accepted into U.A. from now on.

How Things Should Have Been (Todoroki Toya || Dabi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now