Mother Hen

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Damian awoke feeling like garbage. His eyes were nearly cemented shut with goop, and his eyelids felt like they were weighted down. He rolled out of his bed with a groan, only to immediately flop onto the floor.

'I hate being sick,' he thought to himself.

A knock on the door startled him from his spiral of feverish thought.

"C-come in," he said quietly, sinking the rest of the way down to the floor.

Dick opened Damian's door and stepped into his brother's room. He'd been concerned when Damian wasn't up and about at breakfast time, so he'd decided to check on him.

"Dami? Are you alright?" Dick asked, seeing the younger sprawled out on the floor.

Damian grunted in response, causing Dick to kneel down and press a hand to his forehead.

"You're burning up Dames. Back into bed with you," Dick said, scooping his brother up and laying him back on his bed.

"I'm fine Grayson," Damian said, sitting up and sliding his legs off of the bed, much to Dick's displeasure. "I don't need you to baby me."

Dick took a step back and watched as Damian stood unsteadily, making his way towards the bathroom. "You can leave now," Damian said, irritation clear in his voice.

It was clear to Damian that Dick didn't want to leave, so the younger simply walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

Dick left the room with a dejected sigh. It was obvious that Damian was sick, and whether or not the younger would accept help Dick was determined to at least offer it.

Damian was surprised to see that Dick had actually listened and left his room when he got out of the shower. Despite telling himself that he was glad his older brother wasn't there to hound him, he was slightly disappointed.

Instead of dwelling on his feelings, Damian decided he should probably get something to eat. He made his way down the hall to the staircase. When he looked at the stairs he suddenly felt tiredness weigh on him. It would take so much effort to walk down them.

Damian closed his eyes for a second before grabbing onto the stair rail and carefully making his way down the stairs. He kept his eyes shut, only because it seemed to help keep the nausea he was feeling at bay.

About halfway down the staircase Damian missed a step and fell. He squeezed his eyes shut, expecting to go tumbling down the rest of the stairs. Instead, he felt strong arms wrap around him, holding him up gently.

"Damian," Dick said quietly. "You alright lil' D?"

Damian opened his eyes, and looked up at Dick. He was about to reply with another, 'I'm fine', but before he could, his stomach churned and he puked all over his oldest brother.

Dick was startled, and he immediately lowered Damian to sit on a step, rubbing his back, and whispering soothing words to him.

Damian started crying, hot tears running down his cheeks as he leaned into Dick's touch. "I-I'm s-sorry," he finally got out.

"It's alright Dami," Dick replied. "Everyone gets sick sometimes."

"B-but not e-everyone pukes on their br-brother," Damian sobbed.

"Don't worry bud. It's happened to me more times than you would think," Dick reassured, suddenly realizing that this was the first time he'd ever seen Damian cry like this. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

Dick scooped Damian up in his arms, letting out a relieved sigh when he realized that none of Damian's puke had gotten on the carpet.

After Damian and Dick had gotten themselves cleaned off, Dick helped Damian down to the couch and started a movie for him.

"Ugh. Why do we have to watch this childish nonsense?" Damian asked after a particularly cheesy moment in the animated movie Dick had played for him.

"Come on Dami, this used to be one of my favorite movies," Dick said, scooting closer to Damian and wrapping an arm around him when he noticed the younger shivering.

"Tt. I hope you know you're going to get sick if you stay this close to me," Damian replied.

"I'll be fine. Besides, you need someone to take care of you," Dick said, ruffling Damian's hair.

Damian huffed in response, snuggling closer to Dick under the pile of blankets he'd been covered in.

Damian awoke to Dick shaking his shoulder. The older man set a tray of soup, tea, and crackers in front of him.

"Here bud," Dick said, ruffling Damian's hair. "Alfred and I made you some soup."

Damian enjoyed the meal, despite having to pause a few times when Dick came to change the cool rag that was laid on his forehead.

When his meal was finished, Damian drifted off to sleep again, secretly glad that he had his older brother there to watch over him... Even if he acted a bit like an overprotective mother hen.

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