I thought it only right to pick up where I left off :)
GiovannaSales076 & linnie-colt this one's for youDick's ribs cracked as his friends desperately performed CPR, trying their hardest to restore the rhythmic beat of his heart.
As the minutes ticked on they eventually had to face the facts. They were too late to save the little bird.
Kaldur stepped forward, laying a gentle hand on Wally's shoulder as the redhead continued to perform CPR. "I think he's gone," he said solemnly.
Wally stilled, hanging his head. Hot tears rolled down his cheeks, stinging in the blistering cold. He scooped his friend's cold body up in his arms and trudged to where Sphere was waiting to take them back to the mountain.
A somber cloud hung over the team as they flew home, quiet sobs and sniffles barely heard over the rushing of the wind, each member of the team mourning the loss of their friend.
"I should've noticed he wasn't inside," Wally mumbled about 30 min into their flight.
"Don't put all the blame on yourself," Kaldur replied. "We're all at fault for not paying as much attention as we should've."
"But I'm his best friend," Wally countered. "If I hadn't been so intent on arguing with Conner I would've notice that he never came into the igloo.
"Wally," Artemis spoke softly. "It wasn't your fault."
Wally turned away, refusing to be comforted.
Bruce paced anxiously as he waited for the team's return. He'd received a report on the mission's success from Dick hours ago. "They should be back by now," he mumbled under his breath.
The only reason they would be this late getting back was if something bad had happened on the way, which was automatically cause for Bruce to worry.
It was only a few minutes later when Bruce caught sight of Sphere on the cave's cameras.
He immediately rushed off to meet them, hoping they'd just taken some sort of scenic detour or something.
Bruce's hope that nothing had gone wrong was shattered when he saw the grim faces of the team... one face was notably missing. "Where's Robin?" He asked, trying to ignore the pit growing in his stomach.
Wally stepped forward with Dick's body in his arms, the young hero's cape covering his face and most of his limp body.
Bruce gently took his son in his arms, holding him close. He closed his eyes for a moment, taking several shaking breaths.
The team stood silently, watching the father and son.
"Get me some heating pads," Bruce demanded suddenly, holding Dick's freezing cold body close.
"Batman... he's gone," Kaldur stated, giving Bruce a pity filled look.
"Get me some heating pads," Bruce repeated, fixing his glare on the team.
Wally left in a whoosh of air, returning moments later, his arms heaped with heating pads and blankets.
Bruce took them with a grunted thanks, spreading one of the blankets out on the ground and laying Dick on it. He proceeded to tuck the heating pads around his son, putting some on his chest and legs before covering him in the rest of the blankets. "Tell me exactly what happened," he said, not looking up from his son's blanket cocooned form.

Dick Grayson one shots
FanfictionOne shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Updated weekly :)