Jason was angry when he came back.
Being resurrected was a big enough shock by itself, regardless of the method used, but the Lazarus pit seemed to have imbued him with an unnatural rage, something evident by the greenish glow his eyes took on when he was particularly angry.
Coming back to Gotham had been a cry for help of sorts. That was until Jason found another black haired blue eyed boy wearing his Robin suit, and a clown themed psychopath still at large.
The thought of any sense of security or heaven forbid love he might've felt from Bruce shriveled rather quickly, it's distinct lack fueling the pit induced rage.
Jason's natural response, of course, was to lash out, donning a blood red helmet and a leather jacket and striking out on his own. He left Bruce's no killing rule behind and became Red Hood.
What nobody knew was that he locked himself in his safe house during the day as a way to make sure he wouldn't hurt any innocents. He'd beat his punching bag until sand leaked from the seams, trying to rid himself of the never ending fiery rage that burned within him.
He knew it was a problem, the anger that is. Knew it wouldn't be long before he'd do something he'd regret... something he wouldn't be able to take back.
"Jackpot," Dick mumbled under his breath.
He watched from a nearby roof as Red Hood removed a padlock and slipped into a supposed abandoned apartment building.
Dick's heart pounded against his ribs. He'd found Red Hood.
The building didn't seem like anything special. One of the many condemned housing units that had been deemed unfit for people to live in.
Most of the buildings like that had been hanging around for years, providing a place for both the homeless and the criminal underground to stay out of the public eye.
Dick's hand slipped down to rest against his escrima sticks. His latest conversation with Bruce playing in his mind.
He cringed at the memory of the harshly spoken words... he knew Bruce was only projecting, blaming Dick for the things he blamed himself for... That didn't mean it didn't hurt though.
The conversation had been months ago, but he could still remember the hurt that had flashed through his soul when Bruce had blamed him for Jason's death.
The billionaire had been ignoring him ever since, or so it seemed.
Dick had been fine with Bruce's silent treatment at first... but he wanted a father... he wanted Bruce's love and approval so badly.
So that was why he'd followed Red Hood.
He'd been on a streak for weeks of attempting progressively more and more dangerous things... so far nothing had caught Bruce's attention... but this... surely this would be enough.
Dick breathed a steadying breath, activating his wrist computer and searching for any sort of signal coming from the building.
There was nothing.
Dick was immediately on guard. Something felt off about this situation...
He considered turning back... no... he couldn't turn back now.
Dick shot out a grappling line and lowered himself to the ground.
He cautiously approached the front door, brow furrowing when he saw the broken lock.
Surely if this were one of Red Hood's normal hide outs he would've used a key.
Dick opened the door, waiting for a moment to see what, if anything, would happen before he walked inside.

Dick Grayson one shots
FanfictionOne shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Updated weekly :)