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This one's for lampterracoon enjoy :)

Dick heard giggling and voices in the cave and he rolled his eyes. It sounded to him like the girls were making fun of someone on the news.

Deciding to go nag them about the current waste of potential training time, Dick set his course for the TV room.

What he found, however, was so much worse than a group of girls making fun of a television personality...

"I don't understand how he's not married by now," was the first thing Dick heard. Said, it sounded like, by Zatanna.

"He can totally marry me," M'gann said.

"What about La'gaan? Superboy maybe?" A voice Dick recognized as Barbara's said.

"Just cuz I'm in a relationship doesn't mean I can't leave my eyes open," M'gann replied.

And that was when Dick walked into the room, face immediately flushing red when he saw on the tv screen an interview with Vicky Vale playing... and interview with Dick Grayson.

"What," Dick stopped, clearing his throat when his voice came out as more of a squeak. "What's this about?" He asked.

Barbara sent Dick an evil look. "Just admiring the view," she said, sending him a discreet wink.

Dick's face turned scarlet. "Could you all stop the viewing... uhh, stop admiring the view," he said, tugging at the neck of his suit, his words coming out jumbled as he became more and more mortified.

Barbara seemed to be enjoying how flustered Dick was becoming and saw fit to fan the flames. "Come on Nightwing, there's no way you don't see what we're seeing," she said, pausing the frame on the TV. "Just look at that perfect jawline."

"And his eyes," Zatanna chimed in. "Such a pretty blue."

Dick laughed nervously as his blush deepened.

"Not to mention he's an acrobat, the rest of him is just as pretty as his face," Artemis added, sending Dick a sly grin.

Dick erupted into a coughing fit, covering his face with his hands and quickly removing himself from the room, much to the enjoyment of Barbara and Artemis.

Dick sat next to one of the gargoyles on a randomly chosen building in Gotham, face going hot when he remembered the events from earlier that day.

Barbara landed next to him, plopping down and swinging her legs.

"Hey," Dick said, somewhat warily.

"Hey," Barbara echoed. "That was some interesting conversation at the cave earlier," she said with a mischievous grin.

Dick's face reddened in a blush. "Interesting is one way to put it," he mumbled.

Barbara laughed. "There it is again, your lovely blush," she said.

Said blush immediately darkened, and Dick looked away to try and hide it.

"Hey," Barbara said, hooking a finger under Dick's chin and turning his head to face her. "I meant what I said earlier wonder boy."

Dick's eyes flicked up to meet Barbara's, and he wished he had a cape he could pull over his head. He startled when he felt soft lips press against his for an instant.

Barbara laughed. "I love you boy wonder... What are you going to do about it?"

Dick Grayson one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now