Paper cut

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Jason's gaze shot over to Dick when he heard his brother's pained scream. "What's wrong?" He asked, quickly getting up and making his way across the Batcave to Dick's side.

"Nnugggh," Dick groaned, squeezing his finger tightly, a red drop of blood welling up from his paper cut.

"You got a paper cut?" Jason asked, his voice filled with annoyance. "And here I was actually concerned."

Dick lifted his gaze to glare at Jason. "It hurts," he whined.

Jason scoffed.

"I'm serious!" Dick said with a pout. "Ahh," he hissed when Jason grabbed his cut finger. "Why does it hurt more than getting shot?" He asked.

"You have more nerve endings in your finger," Jason said, pulling a bandaid from the cave's first aid kit. "Besides," he continued, "you have shock, adrenaline, and pain meds when you get shot."

Dick huffed. "I still think it's worse," he muttered, folding his arms, being careful of his now bandaged finger.

"You're just a baby," Jason said, returning to his previous seat where he'd been typing up a report.

It couldn't have been more than 20 minutes later when Jason cried out, clenching his hand into a fist and biting his lip to keep in the stream of profanity his brain had supplied him with.

"What's wrong?" Dick asked, peering over Jason's shoulder.

"Paper cut," Jason growled, frowning deeply.

Dick laughed. "Hurts doesn't it?" He asked innocently.

Jason grumbled something incoherent.

"What was that?" Dick asked.

"Yes," Jason said angrily.

Dick gave Jason a look that practically screamed 'I told you so', and Jason's frown deepened.

Dick swung through Blüdhaven looking for any suspicious looking criminal activity. He stopped on the roof of a building when he saw a group of men who all seemed to be in their mid 30's gathered around a pair of young women.

The men were standing in a loose semicircle around the two ladies, no doubt demanding that they hand over their valuables.

"This is the last time we ask nicely girls, give us the purses," one man said, holding out his hand.

The ladies gripped their purses, looking around in fear.

That was when Dick swung over, landing gracefully between the men and the women.

"Actually, I think the ladies aught to keep their own things. They don't really match with your whole delinquent vibe," he said, pulling out his escrima sticks and crouching into a fighting stance.

"Dude, that's Nightwing," one of the men hissed, grabbing onto another's jacket.

"And?" The other man asked.

"And? And we have no chance against him!" The first man replied. "You know what... I'm out," he said, dropping his weapon and running off into the night.

The one that seemed like he might be the leader growled before lunging at Dick with a short knife drawn.

Dick fought the thugs with ease, taking them down one by one. Relief flowed over him when he noticed that the two ladies had managed to escape in the chaos, but his relief was short lived when he heard the sound of a gun firing and felt a bullet ripping through his hip.

One of the thugs stood with a smoking gun in his hand, which Dick quickly kicked away before landing a hard blow to the back of the man's head with one escrima stick.

Dick breathed heavily as he contacted the police and examined his wound. As soon as he heard sirens, he grappled up to a nearby rooftop where he promptly collapsed.

"Jay?" Dick mumbled into his comm system.

"What's up Bluebird?" Jason replied.

"I... I need a bit of help," he said, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Sure... where are you?" Jason asked, slightly worried.

"Don't pretend you don't have some sort of tracker on me, or access to one of Bruce's," Dick said.

Jason's worry lessened. If Dick could still be sassy then he was probably fine. "Spoilsport," he said with a huff. "I'll be there in 5."

Jason landed lightly on the roof of the building Dick was lying on, immediately scanning it for the acrobat. "Dick," he called, rushing over to his brother's still body... Maybe he should've been a bit more worried...

"Jay," Dick mumbled, his eyes opening a crack.

"Dick, you need to stay awake ok? I'm gonna work on your wound," Jason said, looking down at the gushing bullet wound in the elder's hip.

"You know," Dick mumbled a few minutes later, "this is better than that paper cut."

Jason paused, looking up at Dick for just a moment. "If you weren't injured, I'd slap you right now," he said.

"But... 's true," Dick said, his eyes starting to flutter closed again.

"Ya, well if you don't shut it and keep those eyes open then I'm gonna give you a paper cut myself and you'll have to deal with that and the bullet wound," Jason said, completely serious.

Dick immediately closed his mouth, and opened his eyes as wide as he could as he watched Jason pull out the bullet from his wound and begin stitching it closed.

Dick laid awake on the bed in his brother's apartment. He was so tired, but each time his eyes would drift closed they'd snap open.

"Gotta stay 'wake... Jason's... Jay's crazy... he... he'll give me a..." Dick mumbled, trailing off as his eyes slid shut once again. "A... a paper cut..." he continued, his eyes snapping open once again.

Jason peeked into the room, surprised to find Dick still awake. "Dickie, you need to sleep so your body can heal," he said, sitting next to Dick on the bed.

"N-no... Jay'll... he'll give me a... a paper cut. Don't wanna have... a paper cut," Dick muttered, his eyelids drooping once again.

"Dick, you can sleep now, I was just joking..." Jason said, pulling Dick in to a hug, being careful of his wound.

"Mmm... don't wanna have a paper... cut," Dick mumbled as he fell asleep against Jason's chest.

Jason smiled slightly and shifted Dick back onto the pillows before standing and walking into his kitchen. He grabbed a stack of papers that were scattered on his kitchen table, trying to tidy them. "Ouch!" He hissed, swearing under his breath as he glanced down at his finger. His finger that was now throbbing from a tiny, yet excruciating paper cut.

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