Ever since he was little, Dick had known he was special. His parents had told him that time and time again... but this wasn't just something his parents told him to make him feel special or loved. They called him special because of his gift.
The gift ran in his family, manifested by a mark that showed on the palm of his left hand any time he was in a position to use the gift.
Dick's parents didn't have a name for it, but they knew what his gift was. His father had it as well. They were both well aware of what it could do, so they kept a close watch on Dick, their precious, loving child... because his life was the price he'd have to pay to access the miracle he held inside himself.
They almost lost him once. One of the circus dogs had died, and he had been so distraught. They'd found him with his hand on the dog's chest, light seeping between his small fingers.
Mary had quickly pulled him off the dog, wrapping him in her arms and carrying him away.
That had been when they'd really explained Dick's gift to him.
By the time his parents died, Dick had fully understood his gift; the ability to trade his life for another's, to bring someone back from the dead.
That night, he'd been so tempted to rush to his father's side, to his mother's side, and just bring one of them back. He'd known it would cost his own life, but at least he would've been able to save one of them... but he'd known they wouldn't have wanted that, so he'd simply cried as their bodies were carried away.
Dick had never spoken about his gift after his parents had died, but he'd been tempted to use it time after time. The first time he saw someone die on patrol, the death of a family friend. Jason... but he hadn't used it... not until today.
They'd all been there when it happened. When Tim fell to the ground, blood making the red of his Red Robin suit even darker.
Bruce had tried CPR... they'd done everything they could, but Tim remained motionless on the ground.
That was when Dick had stepped forward. He'd laid his left hand over the wound in Tim's chest and closed his eyes.
Dick's hand had glowed as his life force flooded into Tim's body, the rest of the bats stepping back in surprise.
"Dick, what are you doing?" Bruce had yelled, sounding heartbroken and scared.
Dick had turned to him with tears in his eyes. "I love you Dad... I love all of you," he'd said gently. Then his eyes had flickered closed and he'd dropped to the ground.
Dick and Tim had shared a single breath before Dick's chest stilled, Tim's picking up a regular rhythm as he'd groaned and sat up, the bullet he'd been shot with tinkling as it fell to the floor. "What happened?" he'd asked groggily.
He hadn't received an answer.
Bruce had fallen to his knees at Dick's side, relief and grief hitting his heart at once. 'Why?' was all he had thought... 'Why?"

Dick Grayson one shots
FanfictionOne shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Updated weekly :)