This one's for @mary6224
:) EnjoyTim jumped when a fist slammed into the glass of one of the Cave's holding cells.
Jason snickered, double tapping the glass and watching as the surface rippled, allowing them to see the man trapped inside.
The man inside stood with his arms folded across his chest, presumably glaring at them from behind the lenses of his dual colored mask. Not that they could tell.
"I demand to speak to Batman," he said.
"I don't know if you're aware," Jason retorted. "But you're not exactly in a position to be demanding anything right now."
The man bristled, sending another forceful punch into the glass wall, making it shake.
"That thing'll hold right?" Tim whispered.
"Would father build a prison cell that couldn't even hold criminals Red Robin?" Damian sassed.
Tim was about to send his own fist flying at his brother when the Batmobile sped into the cave.
Bruce hopped out, his cape flowing out behind him as he walked over to the cell.
"Why are you keeping me in here," the man hissed. "Why not send me over to Archam?"
"I couldn't quite imagine why. Maybe because you're an assassin. They might be criminals in Archam, but they're still people... mostly. We're not going to let you in there to murder them all," Bruce said.
The man huffed. "I only kill who I've been paid to kill," he said through gritted teeth.
"Still a problem," Bruce said. "It's a lot harder for you to escape from here than Archam. So no more killing for you."
The man turned on his heel and went to sit cross legged on the floor, his back facing the glass.
Tim jumped when something slammed into the glass of the cave's occupied holding cell as everyone was winding down from patrol.
"He hasn't done that in a few days," Jason mumbled around a bite of the bagel he was devouring.
Damian scoffed. "I can't imagine he'd have anything good to say at this hour," he said.
"If he didn't want to get woken up in the middled of the night he shouldn't have became a murderer," Jason said, licking the cream cheese from his fingers.
"I'd like to point out that you are also a murderer Jason," Tim said.
"And here I am, awake in the middle of the night," Jason retorted.
"We should probably check on him," Damian said.
"Let B," Jason said, dismissing the idea with a wave of his hand.
"Let me what," Bruce said, stepping out of the changing rooms.
"The prisoner had a tantrum and Dami wants to check on him," Tim said.
Bruce sighed and grabbed a spare domino mask, walking over to the glass and tapping it twice.
A sharp inhale was heard as Bruce rushed to the door of the cell, unlocking it as fast as he could.
The three boys followed, each pressing their own masks over their eyes.
Bruce knelt at the man's side, his two colored mask laying next to a puddle of blood colored vomit.
"Jason! I need Alfred!" Bruce shouted, scooping the unconscious man up in his arms and carrying him to the cave's medical bay.
Jason rushed back into the cave a few minutes later, Alfred in tow.

Dick Grayson one shots
FanficOne shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Updated weekly :)