This part is dedicated to Martipuh17 for their idea. I hope y'all like it.
Dick huddled in the cold alley, not sure where to go after he'd ran away from Wayne Manor.
There was a soft meow that caught Dick's attention, and a large black cat came waltzing down the alley, stopping to rub its head against his ankles.
Dick had always been good with animals, and the cat seemed nice enough. So he bent down and scratched it behind the ears.
"Isis... what have you found?" came a voice out of the darkness. Catwoman emerged from the shadows and inspected the small boy in front of her. "You're Richard Grayson aren't you, the little boy that Brucie took in?" she asked.
Dick nodded. "H-he doesn't w-want me anymore. He said I-I was just a ch-charity case," he said with a sniffle.
Catwoman's brows furrowed. "Poor kitten... I didn't know Wayne could be so cold hearted," she said, putting a gloved hand on the side of Dick's head.
Dick leaned into her hand, the gentleness of the touch reminding him of his parents.
"Well Kitten... how'd you like to come home with me?" Catwoman asked, taking pity on the tiny boy.
"Really?" Dick asked, unsure whether Catwoman was joking or not.
She smiled and nodded.
"Thank you!" Dick said, wrapping her in a hug.
"You're welcome," she replied. "And you can call me Selina."
10 years later"Black Cat and Catwoman are on the move B." Jason called into his com unit, sprinting across rooftops in his Red Hood uniform. Following the form that seemed like little more than a shadow as it ducked into another abandoned apartment building.
Jason ran through the halls of the building, chasing after Black Cat.
The villain darted into a room in an attempt to ditch Jason, cursing his luck when he found himself in a windowless room, even more so when Jason stepped into the room behind him.
Jason took in Black Cat's appearance for the first time. He was slender but well muscled, probably about average height, nothing that would compare to Jason's 6'0". He had on a fitted black suit with a belt that hung long in the back, almost like a tail. The look was completed with a black domino mask and two pointed black ears nestled in a wild mess of curls.
"So we meet at last," Jason said, advancing towards the corner Black Cat had trapped himself in.
To Jason's surprise, the man smiled. "I would say it's a pleasure, but I'm afraid I was raised not to tell lies," he said.
"Kinda contradicts with the whole stealing thing doesn't it," Jason said, slightly amused by what Black Cat had said.
"Gotta make a living somehow," Cat said. "Not everyone's as well off as your homie Batsy. Plus, I was raised to steal, which has nothing to do with lying... usually."
Jason furrowed his brows as he continued advancing. Not that Cat could see his face with his red helmet on. "Well, unfortunately making a living by stealing gives us a reason to take you into custody," he said, almost within arm's reach of Cat.
Black Cat's eyes widened when his back bumped up against the wall.
Jason took this moment to strike, pinning Cat's arms above his head and reaching for a pair of handcuffs.

Dick Grayson one shots
أدب الهواةOne shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Updated weekly :)