This chapter was getting so freaking long... If you have questions about background, most of it comes from YJ season 3. I'm more than happy to explain any of it :)
Dick writhed on the gurney in the med bay of the team's new 'home base'. Bruce was there, holding his son down and trying to pretend he didn't see the tears streaming down Barbara's face, or the worry on Alfred's.
It was scary. Seeing the hero convulsing, his teeth grit, sweat and tears pouring down his face. Someone had ran off to get more ice, but something made it feel like this problem wouldn't be as easy to solve as just lowering the fever like the first time he'd been exposed to Granny's x-pit.
Bart and Jaime returned with bags of ice, laying them around Dick's feverish body at Alfred's direction.
The scarier thing was when Dick's body went completely still, his heart rate spiking along with his temperature.
"He's going to die," Bruce said, turning to Barbara. "He's not a meta, his body has no way to help itself."
The tears didn't stop flowing down Barbara's face, but a determination grew in her eyes. "I'm not giving up," she mumbled, wheeling her chair out of the room.
There had to be a way to fix this...
Bumblebee stood in front of Dick, ready to put her thesis to the test for the second time. She was going to alter his DNA to save his life.
The procedure didn't take long, but the results were almost immediately apparent as Dick's breaths became more regular, his heartbeat normalizing and his fever lowering.
Bruce almost gave Bumblebee a hug, but he didn't. "Thank you. I'm in your debt," he said instead. "Anything you need."
"I'm content with saving a life," she said with a tired grin.
Bruce nodded, hoping she could tell how immeasurable his gratitude was.
A groan drew their attention to Dick, who was currently trying to sit up. "Wha happened?" He asked, his words slightly slurred.
"Lie back down bud," Bruce said and almost tenderly guided Dick back onto the bed.
"Uhhhh 's cold," Dick mumbled, shifting away from the ice which Bruce promptly removed.
"Get some rest Dickie," Bruce said. "You got exposed to Granny's x-pit again when we were in space and your body wasn't handling it very well."
"M-kay," Dick hummed in response, letting his eyes slide shut.
Babs mouthed a thank you to Bumblebee as she left, touched at how gentle Batman was being with his son.
Bruce sat at the bat computer. Crisis #1 averted... now he just had to tell his son that he'd agreed to him being given the meta gene to save his life... he had no idea how he'd react to that one.
"Nuunngh... Bruce?" Dick called, sounding significant more coherent than he had the last time he'd woken up.
Bruce was at his son's side a moment later. "How are you feeling Dickie?" He asked.
Dick's brow furrowed. He felt perfectly fine. Good even. "I feel strangely good for waking up on a gurney."
The corner of Bruce's mouth turned up slightly at the joke. He debated sharing with his son what had happened, weighing the pros and cons out in his mind. "Dick... I have something I need to tell you," he said quietly.
Dick went still, furrowing his brows. The tone of Bruce's voice making him nervous. "Ok," he replied.
"You were... you were dying. And... and the only way we could think of to save your life was to have Bumblebee use her suit and her research to give you the metagene," Bruce said, his gaze trained on his lap.

Dick Grayson one shots
FanficOne shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Updated weekly :)