Dick rocked himself, hugging his knees to his chest. His giant bed in his giant room made him feel extra alone. He missed his parents of course, and he found he missed Bruce just as much when the elder was gone for patrols.
The minutes slowly drifted away like sand through an hourglass. Dick let out a quiet sniffle. He wished Bruce would let him patrol on more than just the weekends. At least that way he could make sure Bruce would make it back. That he wouldn't have to attend another funeral...
A quiet knock on the door startled Dick from his spiral of thought. "C-come in," he said, tears on the edge of falling from his eyes.
Alfred stepped into the room, approaching the small child slowly.
Dick, upon seeing it was Alfred and not Bruce who'd walked in, promptly burst into tears.
Alfred sat down next to Dick on the bed. "I know you miss master Bruce dreadfully when he goes on patrol sir," Alfred said. "I hoped this might be of some help," he added, setting a bundle on Dick's lap.
Dick sniffed, wiping his tears and gently unfolding Alfred's gift. He smiled when he realized what it was, the butler had fashioned one of Bruce's Batman capes into a blanket.
Alfred smiled when he saw the boy brighten. "It was time to retire it anyway, and I supposed it might offer you some sort of comfort..."
Dick launched himself into Alfred's arms. "It's perfect Alfie," he said.
A few months later
"Master Bruce?" Alfred called from the entrance to the dining room.
Bruce hummed a response.
"Master Dick hadn't come downstairs yet. Are you going to check on him or shall I?" Alfred asked, raising an eyebrow.
Bruce finally looked up, brows furrowing. Alfred's face made it absolutely clear that there was a right and wrong choice. "I'll check on him," Bruce said, obviously the right choice he noted when Alfred gave him a smile and a nod.
After making his way upstairs, Bruce found Dick curled up in his blankets on his bed, which was weird. Dick barely ever used more than just one blanket, let alone what looked like every blanket he could find.
"Dickie?" Bruce whispered, gently shaking Dick's shoulder.
Dick's eyes fluttered open, seemingly taking all the boy's energy to keep them that way. "B?" He mumbled groggily. "'S cold," he whined, snuggling further into his blanket mountain.
Bruce placed the back of his hand on Dick's forehead, frowning when he felt the heat radiating from the poor boy's skin. "Dickie, let's get you checked out by Alfred. I think you might've caught something," he said softly, scooping his son up in his arms.
Dick snuggled into Bruce's warm arms. "D-don't leave my blankie," he mumbled.
Bruce paused for a moment before grabbing the black blanket he knew Dick favored and wrapping the boy in it.
Dick was curled up in Bruce's arms, wrapped up in his blanket, shivering despite the feverish warmth of his skin.
"It looks to be mild cold symptoms," Alfred said. "His fever isn't too bad right now. I'll give him a bit of cold medicine, and check him over in a few hours to see if he's gotten any worse."
Bruce nodded, shifting Dick in his arms so Alfred could give him the cold medicine.
Dick scrunched up his face when he tasted the medicine, turning away from Alfred to bury his face in Bruce's shoulder. "Yucky," he mumbled.

Dick Grayson one shots
FanfictionOne shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Updated weekly :)