A week. It had been a week since Nightwing had been taken.
Bruce was going out of his mind with worry. Every minute he was filled with the all consuming desire to find his son.
If it had been your standard run of the mill kidnapping Bruce wouldn't have been as worried. He knew Dick could handle himself in those kinds of situations... but this time Dick had been taken by the Joker.
Bruce had lost Jason only a few months before, and the thought that Dick might be in a similar dire condition made him feel nauseous.
Each day for the past week Joker had laid out some sort of clue as to where he was keeping Bruce's son, and every day Bruce had painstakingly followed each clue, because Joker was definitely insane enough to give out his actual location if it played into his sick version of fun.
At the end of each clue there'd been a bag with something in it, a lock of Dick's hair or a piece of his suit, to taunt Bruce even further.
On the 7th day Joker seemed to have gotten bored of whatever cat and mouse game he was trying to play, because when Bruce followed the clues from his poorly written riddle, he found the Joker himself.
"Oh goody!" Joker exclaimed, clapping and hopping from foot to foot. "Batman's finally come to play with us bird boy!" He ran off into the abandoned building.
Bruce, of course, ran after him, skidding to a halt when he spotted Joker by a box...
Joker laughed maniacally, prying the box open with a blood stained crowbar.
Dick's body spilled out of the box and onto the ground. His skin was pale, littered with gashes and bruises, and from the look of it, at least one shoulder was dislocated.
Bruce stared in silence, seemingly frozen in place as he watched Joker crouch down by his son's head.
"Batsy, this is my happy birthday present for you," the clown said with a laugh. "I thought you'd like him more if he was a bit quieter... so I fixed him."
Joker yanked Dick's head off the floor, turning it and squeezing it with one hand to make it look like Dick was talking, while saying in a high pitched voice, "I have much better manners now. Maybe I'll finally be good enough for you."
Bruce stiffened. That wasn't what Dick really thought right? That he wasn't good enough?
Joker cackled and let go of Dick's head, watching as it bounced on the concrete. "Pity you forgot a present for my birthday," he mumbled, going silent for a moment. "But I always was more for giving gifts anyway."
"Joker," Bruce growled, stepping forward. "Step away from Nightwing. Now."
Joker cracked a smile. "Take him Batsy," he said, flapping a hand dismissively. "I've finished with my fun."
Bruce clenched his hands and lunged at the Joker, one good hard punch to the face enough to knock the clown to the ground, the next few hits leaving his face bloody and bruised.
Dick lay still on the ground, the only sign of life being the shallow rise and fall of his chest.
Bruce knelt at his side, gently lifting him and hurrying out of the building. He'd let the police take care of Joker.
Dick's eyes shot open, breathing heavy as he woke from the nightmare that seemed to be 1/2 dream and 1/2 sad reality. His foggy mind was confused when he saw the all too familiar features of the Batcave's med bay.
Bruce himself was standing over Dick's bed, watching him worriedly.
'Bruce,' Dick tried to call out, finding that no noise made it past his lips. His brows furrowed, tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes. 'Bruce, what happened to me?' He tried, tears spilling over when there was still no sound.

Dick Grayson one shots
FanfictionOne shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Updated weekly :)