That redhead

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SIMPBOOTAS this one's for you :) I hope it's worth the wait

Barry stood with his nephew's hand held tightly in his own.

Wally bounced up and down, tapping his foot at super speed.

The zeta tubes announced someone's arrival, the noise drowned out by the smacking of Wally's foot against the ground.

"Stop that will ya?" Barry asked, giving Wally's hand a little squeeze. He was anxious enough about this meeting without the younger's tapping foot.

"Sorry," Wally said. "I'm just excited. I've never met Batman or Robin before."

Barry laughed nervously.

Bruce strode into the room a moment later.

Barry's brow furrowed. He was about to ask where Dick was when the vigilante's long black cape shifted, wide excited eyes covered by a domino mask peering out at the two speedsters.

Dick looked up at Bruce for a moment before bounding over to Wally's side.

His eyes were wide in disbelief as he reached for Wally's hair, stopping just before he touched the ginger locks. "I-is that real?" He asked, enamored by the red-orange color.

Wally blinked, taken aback by the tiny kid in front of him. "Uh... yeah," he managed to say.

"I've never seen anyone with hair that color," Dick replied, still completely focused on the ginger's hair.

Wally tilted his head upon hearing Dick's voice colored with a slight accent. He could tell the younger was trying to talk like your average American, but he wasn't quite there yet.

Dick looked back at Bruce, as if to ask, 'Did you know hair could be this color?'

Bruce grinned, something that deeply unnerved the ginger. "Why don't you two go get to know each other. Flash and I have a league meeting in a few minutes."

Dick grinned and sucked in an excited breath. "Come on!" He called excitedly, running off with Wally dragging behind him.

Dick felt like a hole had been punched in his heart, allowing everything that kept him alive to slowly and painfully leak out of him. Wally... His best friend... was dead. He fell to his knees in the snow, mind refusing to accept the empty space in his life. I'd had been his fault... his stupid plan.

Artemis was crying, he realized belatedly.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. He wasn't supposed to even be here... he was retired. Wally was never meant to be a casualty of this plan.

Dick let himself be led back to the bioship. He didn't care enough to see who it was trying to comfort him. Life faded to silence, any color around him seeming more like black and white than the colors he was familiar with.

He could hear Artemis crying, her sobs grating against his conscious.

'My fault.' His brain repeated on loop.

The others seemed to believe that too, each of them huddled on the opposite side of the ship next to Artemis.

Dick's mind twisted their looks of concern and sympathy.

'My fault...'

Dick stood silently. A shadow in the back of the room. He stumbled through a conversation with Kaldur, shoving away his attempt at comfort. Shoving everyone away. Wally's death was his fault after all.

Dick Grayson one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now