Alzenia466 this one's for you :) Another talon one lol
Dick seemed shaken after the team's first encounter with Cheshire. Nobody thought anything of it, the younger was prone to be jumpy at times after all.
When they returned to the cave, Dick rushed straight into Bruce's arms, shoulders shaking slightly as he tried to calm his breathing.
Cheshire herself wasn't the problem, in fact, Dick didn't mind the villain all that much. The problem was the first glimpse he'd caught of her mask. The quick flash of white and red had almost thrown Dick into a panic attack, his mind bringing up a few choice memories of bone white masks smeared red with his own blood...
Bruce seemed to understand what the younger needed, and held him close as they exited the cave, skipping the mission evaluation even though heaven knows the team could've used the pep talk Bruce was planning on giving.
Dick was arguably more important, so Bruce found himself curled up on the couch beneath a pile of blankets, snacking on some trail mix Alfred had brought over. A movie was playing, but he wasn't paying much attention to it, instead focusing on his son curled up next to him.
Bruce was running his fingers through Dick's hair, pausing for a moment when something on the screen caught his attention.
Bright golden eyes blinked tiredly up at Bruce before Dick shifted slightly, curling into Bruce's side and drifting back to sleep.
"Why can't you come?" Wally whined when Dick told him he wouldn't be coming with the team on their next mission.
"Wally, if I get behind on my homework Alfred might actually kill me," Dick said, his voice deadly serious.
"Oh," Wally said. He could argue with Bruce... he might poop his pants out of pure fear, but he could do it. Alfred on the other hand was an entirely different story. He never wanted to get on Alfred's bad side.
Dick sighed, giving Wally an apologetic look. "You'll have fun without me," he said.
Wally gave him a look. "Have you even met the members of our team? I'm not sure Conner even knows the word fun..."
Dick laughed. "You'll be fine," he said swatting at Wally's arm as he headed back to the zeta tubes. He really did have homework, but that wasn't the real reason he'd decided to stay back from the mission.
Bruce could tell Dick was still shaken from the run in with Cheshire, and he'd purposely made himself free during the hours the team was supposed to be away, inviting the younger to stay home and have fun together. That was the real reason Dick was staying home from the mission. He loved spending time one on one with his father figure as Bruce and Dick rather than Batman and Robin.
Wally was practically vibrating with excitement as he called Dick after returning from the mission.
"Rob, guess what!" He nearly shouted into his phone when Dick answered.
"What?" Dick asked, sounding like he'd just woken up from a nap.
"We found the coolest souvenir on the last mission!" Wally gushed. "You have to come see it."
"What is it?" Dick asked groggily.
Wally stopped himself from just blurting it out, figuring it would be cooler as a surprise. "It's a surprise," he said instead, a smile growing on his face.
Dick grumbled something. "I'm assuming you're going to ask me next to come to the cave and see," he said.
Wally nodded emphatically. "Yep!" He agreed.

Dick Grayson one shots
FanfictionOne shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Updated weekly :)