Somone will come

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Whumptober day 4: hallucinations

If you're wondering why most of the scene transitions happen because of unconsciousness...

Dick let out a sigh as he stepped into his apartment.

He kicked off his shoes and shrugged his coat off, hanging it up rather than simply dropping it on the floor like he was tempted to.

A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth when he walked into the kitchen and noticed a note one of his siblings had left behind.

'I was hungry and it's less of a crime to steal from you than from the store,' was written on a blue sticky note.

Dick chuckled, trying to push away the intense feeling of loneliness as he moved past the kitchen to flop down on the couch. He was tired.

The city bustled outside of Dick's window, the sun dipping down to meet the skyline.

He knew he should make something for dinner, but he just didn't have the energy. 'Maybe just a quick nap,' he thought to himself.

Exhaustion had its hooks in him, dragging him off to sleep the moment he closed his eyes.

It seemed like only a moment before his phone buzzed, pulling him from the blissful unawareness of sleep. He checked the screen, groaning when he saw it was time to patrol.

He dragged himself from the couch and into his bedroom, grabbing an overripe banana on the way. A decision he knew he was going to regret later when he'd surely get hungry.

That was a problem for later he decided.

Dick perched on the side of Gotham's many skyscrapers. He liked this spot, the angle providing him a view of the city while allowing him to remain unseen and relatively unreachable... unless you wanted to free climb up the side of the building or you had multiple grappling hooks and had a death wish. He himself preferred climbing.

He startled when the little communication device in his ear buzzed. It buzzed again, and he pressed a finger to it, letting the incoming message through.

"You know what I want."

The voice made Dick shiver.

"You're going to meet me at the docks in exactly 15 minutes. And if you don't..." A scream sounded in the background.

Dick stiffened. That was Damian... that was Damian's scream... He fumbled for his grappling gun before leaping off the building.

Dick stood at the docs, his heart racing as he paced. He stumbled as something sliced across his cheek. His fingers came away bloody.

"Look at the little hero. I knew you'd come running the moment you heard I had a piece of your little family held hostage. You didn't even double check when you heard that fabricated scream," Slade said with a chuckle. "Such a dysfunctional family."

Dick spun around, stumbling as his vision doubled. "W-what do you want Slade?" He demanded.

Slade laughed. "As if you don't already know," he replied.

Dick stumbled. His knees giving out. "W-hat... did y-you do t-to me? He slurred.

Slade held up a small bat shaped throwing star, its edges coated with something dark and sticky. "Neurotoxin. I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

Dick tipped forward, his head slamming into the ground as his vision edged with black.

Dick awoke to the pain of electricity coursing through his body, his muscles spasming as he screamed.

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