A Knight's duty

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Whumptober day 22: bleeding through bandages

This one was just getting so long & definitely wasn't proofread... soooo 💅

Dick shifted in the saddle of his black destrier. He never seemed to tire of the beauty of the countryside, flower filled meadows and majestic forests. What he did tire of was sleeping on the ground. He was a knight and should be used to it by now, it seemed he'd gone a bit soft after his visit to Gotham where his adoptive father was the Duke. Alfred always did like to fatten him up, always claiming he was too skinny.

He sighed, lying back in the saddle until he rested on the horses's back. Not the most comfortable with the end of the saddle digging into his back, but he was bored.

His horse snorted at the shift of weight, and he sighed, sitting up once again.

He questioned why he was going on this stupid quest in the first place. Some part of him was inclined to think that his father was trying to get rid of him.

Though they'd reconnected a few months prior, Dick would always remember the painful sting of betrayal when Bruce had brought in another orphan and disowned him, His inheritance as the eldest ward of the Duke being passed completely to Bruce's newest son Jason.

Despite the hurt feelings Dick had been crushed to hear that his replacement had been killed by an assassin masquerading as a jester.

Since then Bruce had reinstated Dick's title and privileges as his heir, another young orphan joining their family.

Dick had heard rumors of a man harassing or rather hunting down anyone with any sort of criminal record or tendencies. He wasn't complaining about the types of people being killed, but he strongly believed that one man shouldn't be allowed to be judge, jury, and executioner. Especially as many of the people killed had rightfully served their time in their town's prisons and were living a fairly honest life.

The man had caught Bruce's attention, and the man had been on several different hunts for the murderer. Many of the knights in his service out searching the countryside surrounding Gotham at that moment.

Dick hoped he found the man before they did. If the rumors he'd heard were true...

He quickened his pace, urging his horse into a trot.

He had a guess as to where the man would be hiding.

Dick slowed his horse as he neared Blüdhaven. It wasn't too far from Gotham, and currently being ruled by a steward as the late Duke of Blüdhaven had died without a wife or heirs.

He stopped at an inn, handing his horse off to a stable hand and walking inside.

The innkeeper greeted him, placing a bowl of stew and a chunk of bread in front of him.

"Thank you," Dick said, passing the man a coin. "You wouldn't happen to have a room I could take for the night?" He asked.

The man bobbed his head. "Just cleaned one out," he said, his harsh accent making the corner of Dick's mouth quirk up in a bit of a smile. He hadn't been among the common folk in a while. "Fresh straw 'n everything," he continued.

Dick nodded. "Sounds perfect, thank you..." he trailed off, waiting for the man to give him his name.

"M' name's Gerard," the innkeeper said.

"Thank you Gerard," Dick said with a smile, handing the man a few more coins to pay for the room.

He finished his food before making his way to the room, unlocking it and walking in. He opened his bag, grabbing some dried sage and wormwood to sprinkle on the straw mattress, hoping it would keep any ticks away.

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