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Bruce's eyes widened when Dick walked into the room with a white dish towel tied around his head.

"Hey Dickie... what's the bandana for?" Bruce asked.

Dick whimpered and covered his oversensitive ears. "My head feels like it's going to explode, and my tummy hurts," he whined, tears close to spilling out of his golden eyes.

Bruce looked oddly at the talon. "That doesn't exactly explain the towel Dickie," he said as gently as he could.

"I'm trying to stop my head from cracking open and exploding!" Dick sobbed, letting his newfound emotions get the better of him. Once he had started crying, he couldn't seem to stop.

Bruce quickly tried to comfort him, knowing that the tears and sobs would only make his son's head hurt worse.

Once Dick had calmed down enough, going from sobs to sniffles, Bruce asked, "Have you ever had a migraine before Dick?"

"I-I don't kn-know what a my grain is..." Dick replied, lip trembling.

Bruce quickly tried to fix his mistake. "Um, has your head ever hurt like this before?" He asked.


"Alright," Bruce said with a sigh. "Let's get you some medicine to help you feel better then."

Bruce stood and gently untied the towel from Dick's head, scooping the small boy up when he stumbled a bit.

Dick laid his throbbing head on Bruce's shoulder and squeezed his eyes shut.

Bruce carried the young talon to the bathroom where he grabbed him an ibuprofen and a glass of water.

Dick reluctantly swallowed the pill, which in and of itself was a tremendous act of trust, considering the things the court had forced into him through pills like this.

The migraine didn't go away instantly, much to Dick's sorrow, so Bruce suggested they go and read together until the ibuprofen kicked in.

Bruce wasn't far into the book when Dick fell into a light slumber.

He looked down at his son lovingly. He always liked it when Dick fell asleep like this.

Dick would curl himself into a ball, and press himself into Bruce's side to steal a bit of his warmth, and when he was in an especially light sleep he would make the most adorable cooing noise...

Bruce lifted his arm and wrapped it around his son, who, in turn, snuggled closer to his side. A smile found its way onto Bruce's lips, and he allowed his own eyes to close as he relaxed on the soft couch.

Dick Grayson one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now