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linnie-colt this one's for you :)

What's this? A bonus chapter?? 🥳

An all consuming numbness filled Jason's soul as he sat in the cemetery.

A small pop up canopy covered the rows of mourners from the cold rain that had been falling all morning.

Nothing felt right about this funeral. Dick Grayson was the type of person who'd seemed like he'd live forever... and now that he was gone it seemed even the sky was crying over him.

The funeral ended with everyone feeling empty. A sleek coffin had been lowered into the ground, bright red roses placed carefully on top of the fresh mound of dirt.

Jason couldn't bring himself to look at the gravestone. It probably said something like 'beloved son and hero', some sappy nonsense like that. It made him mad. No words could explain everything Dick had done for Gotham, heck, he'd saved the world a few times over.

Dick deserved to be more than just another stone in this sea of graves.

"Alf?" Jason asked, his voice horse from all the crying he'd done. "Can I go to the car?" His voice cracked despite his best efforts.

"Of course master Jason," Alfred replied softly, wiping away his own tears before starting to push Jason's wheelchair out of the cemetery.

Jason tried to ignore the pitying looks he was receiving, hiding his tear stained face as best he could. Part of him wanted to jump out of the wheelchair and smack the looks of pity from their faces, screaming about how they didn't have the right to be pitying him... not when his brother was dead.

The one thing that held him back was the knowledge that Alfred was going through just as much grief and somehow holding it together. That and he'd probably tie him down to his wheelchair if he tried to get up and walk around again so soon.

Jason got settled in the back of the car, leaning his head against the cool window and watching as Alfred made his way back through the graveyard. He closed his eyes, listening to the sound of the pounding rain on the roof of the car.

It wasn't long before tears were running down his cheeks, his stuttering breath fogging up the inside of the window. Why couldn't it have been him?

Ivy looked around before unlocking the small greenhouse and stepping inside. She sneered when she saw Nightwing hanging in front of her.

His utility belt was missing, something her plant clone had needed to sell itself as the real deal. It was incredible just how humanlike they could be... not to mention how easily she'd been able to switch the fake for the real one. She only had to stop the original's heart for a few minutes and coat the fake in his blood and it had been sold.

Dick's head was hung, his arms strung up with vines over his head. His suit was in shreds, blood running in rivulets from the cuts that covered his body.

"All you have to do is agree to help me bring this city to justice and I'll give you something to eat," Ivy said, holding something on a plate under Dick's nose. "Come on hunk wonder, we both know you love justice."

Dick's stomach growled. He hadn't had anything to eat in days, and whatever Ivy had with her smelled heavenly.

Ivy waved the plate under his nose once again, a smirk clear on her face.

Dick raised his head a bit to look her in the eye before spitting in her face.

Ivy dropped the plate to the floor, wiping at her face. "You'll regret that," she hissed, waving her hand.

Dick Grayson one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now