Masks P2

803 29 5

Alzenia466 Here's one for you :))

Dick sat silently on the bioship, blatantly ignoring his other teammates who were clearly having some sort of mental conversation in the mind link... one that he hadn't been invited to be a part of.

Granted, he probably deserved it. He'd been quick to shut down any questions related to what Bruce had started referring to as 'the incident'. In fact, he hadn't wanted to come on this mission in the first place. It was only Bruce's insistence that a hacker would be crucial to the team's success that had gotten him to step through the zeta beams and into Mt. Justice once again.

"Rob," Wally finally spoke. "We need to know what happened with you when you saw that mask in the cave... and why too... why would be very nice to know."

Dick clenched his jaw, fighting to keep the tide of memories at bay. He'd guessed the team would choose Wally to try and get more information from him, but he wasn't going to give them any.

"Please Robin," M'gann pled. "We want to help you."

"It will help me more if you stop asking about it," Dick growled in response.

"Rob... It was my fault it happened in the first place, I want to fix whatever I did," Wally pleaded.

"The way to fix it is leaving it in the past," Dick replied.

"It is clearly still haunting you Robin," Kaldur added.

Dick set his jaw, bringing his knees up to his chest and burying his head in them, hopefully making it clear that the conversation was over.

Dick stopped just before reaching the small clearing where the bioship was camouflaged. He'd retrieved the data they'd needed, and planted a virus in the weapons dealer's computer system while he was at it. Hopefully the team had been able to take care of their part, getting pictures and counts of the actual operation so the government would give the league permission to come in and take it all down.

He found, however, that nobody else had returned to the ship yet.

Letting out an annoyed sigh, Dick hid himself in the hollow of a large tree, tucking his cape around himself and starting to work on his mission report.

Dick didn't realize he'd fallen asleep until he woke up, cursing himself for letting his guard down like that.

He looked at the time, relaxing slightly when he saw that only a few hours had passed. The team should have returned by now, and M'gann should've been able to sense his mind even if they hadn't been able to find him.

Making sure to remain hidden, Dick peered out of his hiding place, grateful again for his enhanced eyesight when he spotted the camouflaged bioship still sitting in the clearing nearby.

He couldn't hear any of his teammates, so he assumed they must be inside the ship.

A quick check inside proved that they weren't.

Dick found himself slowly becoming more and more concerned about his friends.

He'd been able to complete his part of the mission hours ago, hacking into the computer system of the weapons dealers they'd been sent to scope out, downloading their computer's data and security camera footage before wiping the system and leaving behind a nasty little virus.

The team had simply had to take a few pictures of their supply and warehouse, something Wally or M'gann could've done easily enough...

Something must've gone wrong.

Dick Grayson one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now