Remember me P1

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No matter how steady and stable your life seems to be, it can all change in an instant. Dick's life seemed to be a testament to this fact, even if he couldn't remember that himself.

Dick live a happy childhood in the circus, with his loving family. That all ended the moment his parents fell from the trapeze.

Things got better eventually, Dick found a new family with Bruce and his brothers. Unfortunately, that changed as suddenly as it had began, leaving Dick homeless, wandering through Blüdhaven and looking for a place he could afford to rent.

After a while, things once again began to look up. Dick found a job as a police officer, and became Nightwing, but it only took an instant for life to take that from him too.

A hostage situation at a local elementary school had been called in to the department, and Dick was one of the first ones on the scene.

Things seemed to be going well for a while. Dick was able to take down the gunman who was threatening the children, and everyone was breathing a collective sigh of relief...

Nobody expected the shot that rang out from the sniper on the roof over.

All of the officers ran into the other building, heading to the roof, all except two. Officer Sying was kneeling by her partner's side, frantically starting first aid as Dick bled out from a bullet hole in his head.

Dick didn't wake up like the stereotypical movie coma patient, surrounded by concerned, but relieved people. No, when he woke up he was completely alone. No family, no friends, no nurses. Just him. He stared at the ceiling of the room, trying to piece together what had happened. The last thing he remembered was his parents' funeral, and by the look of his body, he definitely wasn't an eight year old kid anymore.

A nurse came in a few minutes later and blinked in surprise when she was that Dick was awake."Mr. Grayson! You're awake!" she said cheerily. She quickly took his vitals before going to get the doctor to look over him.

The doctor was a tall, friendly man who introduced himself as Doctor Lansing.

"So, Mr. Grayson. Let's start with a few questions, just to see if everything's still there," Lansing said jokingly, tapping his forehead.

"First question; What's your full name?"

"Richard John Grayson... but I prefer Dick," Dick answered, surprised at how scratchy his voice was from disuse.

"Good. How old are you?" the doctor asked.

"I... I don't know..." Dick said, furrowing his brows in confusion. Age was definitely something you should remember...

"Hmmm... How old do you think you are?" Lansing asked.

"Ummm, maybe in my 20's..." Dick replied uncertainty.

"Good. Our record says you are 21. Does that feel right?"

Dick simply nodded.

"Alright," Lansing continued. "This is the last question. What is the last thing you remember?"

Dick thought for a moment, before quietly answering. "My parent's funeral."

Dr. Lansing looked shocked. "That was..." he trailed off. "13 years ago."

Dick was silent for a moment, not being able to comprehend what he was hearing. "Wha-what?" he asked, suddenly feeling unsteady and falling back to lay on the bed. "What happened to me?"

Dr. Lansing gave him a look of pity. "You were shot in the head, after which you fell into a coma for two months... It seems that you have also lost the memories from the past 13 years," he said.

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