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Just a bunch of random bits of people remembering how tan Dick gets when there's actually sun


Bruce was nervous to let Dick stay at the mountain for the week. He couldn't put his finger on the reason why, other than the fact that he hadn't willingly been separated from the acrobat for that long since he'd adopted him.

Dick, however was all smiles and excited energy as he waited for Bruce to type in the cave's zeta code.

"You know what time you're supposed to be in bed?" Bruce asked.

"10:30," Dick replied. "And yes I have my toothbrush and my pajamas."

"And you'll call me if anything happens?" Bruce asked, unable to keep the worried look from his face.

"You'll be the first to know... or I guess the second if I know first... or maybe the third if Wally's there..."

"Alright," Bruce cut in before Dick could continue with his list of unless so & so is there. "You didn't forget sunscreen did you?" He asked.

Dick scoffed. "I thought you'd gotten over the coddling," he teased.

Bruce huffed and pulled the acrobat in for a tight hug, ruffling his hair for good measure.

Dick squeezed him back for a moment, mumbling "I love you" into his mentor's shirt.

"Love you too," Bruce echoed, watching Dick wave as he stepped through the zeta beams.

He really did worry. Dick hadn't been in a really sunny place like Happy Harbor for an extended amount of time for a while. Needless to say, Gothamites didn't generally have to worry about things like sunburn.

Dick didn't necessarily have fair skin... not that Bruce could really tell... he was just worried...

Bruce was at his desk absentmindedly shuffling papers around. Dick was supposed to be back soon, and he had to fight to resist the urge to access the mountain's security system and check in... the same urge he'd been fighting the whole week.

His study's door creaked as it opened, and he turned, jumping up and reaching for his concealed batarang.

It took him a moment to recognize that it was Dick standing in front of him.

Dick laughed up at him. "Got ya," he joked.

"I barely recognized you," Bruce said, the joke ringing partially true. "You look like you're a different race."

Dick laughed, doubling over and wiping tears from his eyes. "It's called seeing the sun for once Bruce," he mocked when he'd finally managed to suppress his giggles.

Bruce pulled Dick into a hug. "Consider yourself lucky. I don't tan, I just burn."


Jason had only meant to break in to Dick's apartment for some bandages, an ibuprofen, and potentially a snack.

He hadn't seen the elder since coming back from the dead, but he had a sneaking suspicion that if anyone knew he was alive it was him.

Jason had only ever seen Dick during the winter. And then the elder had left and he'd died... It was summer now, and things had changed. At least, that was his excuse as to why he now had an unconscious Nightwing lying at his feet, a bump from a vicious pistol whip swelling on his head.

The truth was, Jason hadn't recognized the elder until he'd already knocked him out. Thoughts of being replaced were fresh on his mind, and he hadn't even blinked at the thought Dick might've been replaced too. Heavens know Bruce would do something like that if he got tired of the acrobat again.

Jason nudged Dick with the toe of his boot, taking a hurried step back when the acrobat groaned and curled in on himself.

Dick's skin was bronzed in a way it never had been during the winter, the perks of getting to spend summers with the Titans in California he guessed. The Nightwing suit was unfamiliar as well, not that that had been the reason he hadn't recognized the elder. No, the tan was to blame for that.


Tim wasn't exactly the model of self care, but he always made sure to put sunscreen on when he left Gotham. Reapplication however... that... he'd forgotten.

Alfred had given him, Dick, Jason, and Damian all a thorough lecture on the dangers of sun exposure when they all got home with red tinged skin.

Dick laughed off the lecture, his skin already looking more sun-kissed than sunburnt.

"He's genetically blessed," Jason mumbled when Dick had walked away.

Tim nodded, looking down at his own painfully sunburnt skin. "We'll see what a few days will bring I guess," he said.

Damian huffed, his own sunburn smarting. "I require a nap," he said, following Dick up the stairs toward his room.

They did, in fact see the effects of the sun after a few days.

Jason's freckles had more than doubled, the tiny splashes of color spreading over his nose and from his shoulders down his arms. Damian's sunburn had faded into a light tan, and Dick, of course was as tan as ever.

Tim, on the other hand had blistering and peeling skin. Which, if it wasn't bad enough already was made worse by everyone's pitying looks.

At the end of the day his skin just didn't tan.


Damian knew Dick had the tendency to tan faster than most anyone else he knew... which was unfortunate seeing as he'd agreed to go to the beach.

Of course that in and of itself wasn't a problem. The problem came when he fell asleep on the sand.

Damian toed sand up onto Dick's arm, eyebrows shooting up when the elder didn't wake. The acrobat was a notoriously light sleeper after all.

The bottle of sunscreen lying in the sand caught his eye, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

"Damian," Dick called. "Could you come here for a second?"


The words caught in Damian's throat as he was overtaken by laughter.

Dick stood there with his arms crossed over his chest. His skin had a dark tan as Damian had expected... all except for a bat shape on the center of his chest... the place Damian had carefully applied sunscreen to.

"What's this?" Dick asked, not sure whether to be amused or angry.

"Alfred is always getting after us for not wearing sunscreen at the beach," Damian said with a smirk. "I noticed you'd forgotten to reapply."

Dick grabbed his brother and gave him a noogie. "I guess you'll have to explain to Bruce when I patrol shirtless tonight to show of my new bat symbol."

Damian squawked and ducked under his brother's arm to escape. "You will do no such thing," he said, clearing his throat before running off into the manor.

Dick finally let his fond smile win over as he let out a chuckle. He'd done something similar to Bruce the first time they'd gone to the beach together.

It seemed that what goes around comes around.

Dick Grayson one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now