You're gone

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Dick's foggy eyes were cracked open, head bouncing lightly against the window of a plane. The world seemed to swirl around him, his mind too numb to feel the slivers of panic that would usually have been coiling in his stomach.

Instead he simply watched as the vast blue expanse of ocean gave way to land, the plane dipping gracefully toward the Earth for its landing.

The world seemed to tune out for a moment before Dick felt hands on his arms, lifting him, dragging him. And he didn't have enough control over his mind and body to stop them.

He tuned back in as his arms were yanked above his head, chains pulling him until his toes were just barely scraping the ground.

A mocking laughter assaulted his ears before he was left alone in the darkness.

Dick's head throbbed as he came to, the harsh artificial light burning his eyes.

A bit of water was dribbled into his mouth, and Dick squirmed, spitting it out. That was how they'd drugged him before... at least he thought so. But who were they?

"It looks like your little family has decided to attempt a rescue mission," the harsh voice of a man who'd introduced himself as William Cobb said with a sharp laugh.

Dick tensed, keeping his gaze trained on the floor.

Cobb grabbed Dick's chin, yanking his head up and turning it to face a screen he carried with him.

The bat jet flew through the air, and Dick could recognize Bruce's form at the helm, his tense and determined posture visible from wherever video feed was coming from.

Cobb grinned, zooming in on the cockpit.

Dick could see Tim sitting next to Bruce, the spike of Damian's hair and red from Jason's helmet visible in the back seats.

Suddenly the plane jerked to the side, a missile shooting past, its course arcing as it circled back around toward the plane, more missiles joining it in its flight.

A bright flash lit up the screen, an explosion lighting up the night sky.

Dick's breath stuttered to a halt... surely Bruce had gotten everyone out... surely...

The camera switched to one that seemed to be mounted on a jet-ski. The dark waves were filled with rubble from the explosion, lights scanning through the choppy water.

Dick felt like he was going to throw up. His eyes were glued to the screen, scanning the wreckage to see if he could catch a glimpse of black, red, or yellow.

"Confirmation, no survivors," a monotonous voice announced.

An anguished cry ripped from Dick's throat, tears streaming down his cheeks as he glared at Cobb, struggling in the chains to get closer to the man. He kicked his legs upward, nearly striking the man in the face.

Cobb laughed as Dick sagged in the chains, his head dropping in defeat. "Now that you no longer have anything holding you back let's get started," he growled.

Dick barely registered himself being let down from his chains, two men dragging him back to the plane they'd arrived on.

He didn't care enough to struggle, and couldn't bring himself to look out the window to track their position, not when he knew he'd see pieces of the bat jet floating in the water.

So he just sat, shoulders shaking with his sobs.

The plane landed with a jolt a few hours later.

Dick Grayson one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now