Jason sat in the Batcave, away from the sounds of sobs and cries for help that filled the decimated city. The other bats were out helping, distributing the stores of food, water, blankets, and bandages that had been stored in the cave or rescued from the ruins of the manor above.
Bruce, Tim, and Damian had been busy for the past three days searching through the rubble of Gotham and rescuing those who were still alive... Jason on the other hand... he hadn't left his brother's bedside...
Silent tears slipped down Jason's cheeks as he looked into the eyes of the man he loved. There were so many tubes, machines, and wires attached to Dick's pale body that Jason couldn't really even tell where one machine ended and another began.
A blinking red light in the corner of his vision caught Jason's attention. It was the emergency battery, the one powering the equipment that was currently the only thing keeping Dick alive. A light squeeze on his hand told Jason that Dick saw it too... he knew his time was running out.
"I-I can go get Tim... he can fix the backup generator... and..." Jason's desperate rambling stopped when he saw the look on Dick's face.
"There's not enough time," Dick whispered, gripping Jason's hand harder.
"B-but I... I can't just let you die," Jason said, voice pained.
"You're here with me aren't you?" Dick asked letting out a small airy chuckle.
Jason squeezed his eyes closed for a second before he felt Dick's hand on the side of his face, his thumb gently wiping away a tear.
"I'll always be here for you..." Jason whispered, opening his eyes again.
"That's all I need," Dick said, letting his hand drop back onto the bed.
There was a moment of silence before Jason spoke again. "Why'd it have to be you?" Jason asked, voice cracking as more tears spilled from his eyes. "Why'd you have to be the one caught in the explosion? Why... why does the universe take away everything good that comes into my life?" Jason's voice faded to a whisper, and he hung his head.
"Jason," Dick called gently. "Jay, look at me."
Jason looked up at Dick from tear-filled eyes.
"I... I don't want to waste the rest of our time together by cursing fate," Dick said, glancing back at the blinking red light.
Jason nodded and shifted his grip on Dick's hand, lacing their fingers together.
Dick sucked in a quick pained breath when Jason's knuckles brushed against his side.
"I-I'm sorry!" Jason said, trying to pull his hand away, but Dick held on to Jason's hand as tightly as he could, and gently brought their joined hands to rest on his stomach.
"R-remember the time when you got shot... and I told you it needed stitches, but you just told me you didn't need my help and just slapped a piece of duck tape over it..." Dick said, a small smile on his face.
"Ya I remember that..." Jason said with a sad smile. "I still have the scar," he added, lifting the corner of his shirt with his free hand and exposing one of his many scars.
Dick smiled and blinked lazily. "You were so stubborn," he said.
"I learned it from you," Jason said with a wry smile. "If I recall correctly, you once went almost an entire patrol with a broken leg just because we were having a contest to see who could take down more criminals."
"Hey! Just remember who won that contest," Dick said with a light chuckle.
Jason's smile was bittersweet as he looked down at Dick.
Suddenly Dick grit his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut, biting back a groan of pain. "J-Jay? I think t-there's... I think the battery..." he trailed off, unable to keep in his next groan.
Jason jumped to his feet, releasing his hold on Dick's hand. "Stay with me Dickie... stay with me," he repeated, as if the words would keep Dick from drifting off into the endless sleep of death.
"Jay," Dick said in a wisp of a voice. "T-there's something I have to tell y-you..."
A tear slipped down Jason's cheek and he leaned in closer to Dick to hear him better.
Dick reached up to brush Jason's tears away, his hand lingering on Jason's cheek. "I love you Jason Todd... I love you... with all my heart," he said, gently bringing Jason's head down for a kiss.
The kiss was short and sweet, and when it ended, something inside Jason ached, wishing it could've lasted longer. He stood there mouth hanging slightly open, not sure what to do or say.
Dick smiled up at Jason, his eyes fluttering for a moment before they stopped altogether, staying closed.
Jason's eyes widened and he started panicking, feeling for a pulse that just wasn't there. He nearly fell into the chair at Dick's bedside, knowing that not even CPR would bring him back.
"No," Jason said, voice raw with emotion. "P-please wake up," he said, gripping Dick's limp hand. "Y-you need to wake up... I... I'm not sure I can do this without you... I'm not ready for you to be gone Dickie."
Tears were streaming down Jason's cheeks as he sobbed, holding on tightly to the acrobat's lifeless body.
Jason laid his head on Dick's still chest, heart breaking as he wished it could be anyone else lying motionless on that hospital bed... anyone besides Dick.
It seemed like ages that Jason held Dick and cried, but eventually his tears dried, and his sobs quieted to sniffles. Vainly hoping that he'd feel Dick's chest rise again, that he'd ruffle his hair and tell him that everything was going to be alright... that he was there... but he wasn't.
"I didn't even get to tell you..." Jason whispered, voice cracking, "that I love you too..."

Dick Grayson one shots
FanfictionOne shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Updated weekly :)