Nap time got cancelled

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Whumptober day 8: sleep deprivation

Dick lay awake in his bed, mentally pleading himself to fall asleep.

He'd tried everything he could think of to help himself drift off, relaxing, counting sheep, taking melatonin... nothing was helping.

'Come on!' He mentally pleaded with himself. He'd taken the night off to finally be able to get a good night's rest... yet here he was at 4am, sleep looking more and more like a pipe dream.

Finally coming to grips with the fact that he would be going another night without sleep, Dick climbed out of his bed and left the manor through his window.

He swung himself up onto the roof with a practiced ease, flopping down on the rooftop to stare at the stars.

Dick ran his fingers over the bumps of the shingles, the feeling grounding him, assuring him he was safe.

He watched as the sun slowly rose, its golden rays painting the sky with colors.

It didn't make up for his lack of sleep, but he supposed the beauty of the morning sky was some sort of consolation.

He closed his eyes once more, hoping his body would relax enough for him to drift off for even a few minutes.

How could he be bad at sleeping? That's like a basic human function...

His eyes burned with fatigue, but his mind seemed to compensate for the tiredness with 110% energy.

That part wouldn't last.

Dick sighed. He'd have to rely on the possibility of a nap later on in the day...

The color slowly faded from the sky.

Dick was reluctantly called back inside by the buzzing of his phone's alarm.

He sighed. Time for Bruce's mandatory non mandatory training session.

Dick looked worse for wear when he was suiting up for patrol.

Bruce didn't seem to notice the zombified state of his eldest however and sent him off to the south side of Gotham.

Dick hated Gotham's south side... or at least in his sleep deprived state he did. It was always the hit or miss side of town, most of it being overgrown and abandoned. You'd either find something big or have an extremely boring night.

He was hoping for the second. At least then he'd have some shot at a nap... not that sleeping while on patrol was the smartest idea. But he was desperate.

When patrolling the streets from his bike yielded nothing, Dick took to the skies with his grappling gun, the cold air rushing past him helping the adrenaline rush he got in keeping him awake.

He nearly fell when he saw the neon green glow coming from an abandoned recreation center.

Ivy, if he had to guess. The center would have access to enough water for her plants... and neon green was kind of her thing.

Dick sighed, checking the status of his brothers. "Anyone available to help me real quick?" He asked.

A string of no's came through the device in his ear. "Great," he mumbled to himself.

He retrieved his motorcycle, driving it up to the crumbling building and parking it under the cover of some trees.

This was going to be fun...

Dick leaned against a tree, his vision swimming as he tried to pick out the shape of his bike in the darkness. He shook his head, trying to rid his vision of some of the spots that were accumulating there.

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