Dick darted into the old phone booth in an attempt to hide from the men who'd been chasing him. He rubbed at his eyes, wishing he didn't have to wear the dark colored contacts that currently covered up his unearthly golden eyes.
Footsteps echoed in the alley. He could tell whoever it was was making an effort to quiet their steps, but it made little difference with Dick's enhanced hearing.
After a few moments the footsteps retreated back down the alley and Dick took a steadying breath. He stood and peered out of the grimy glass, relaxing minutely once he deemed the coast was clear.
"Access denied," a robotic female voice called, making Dick jump, his heart racing.
He turned to see some sort of scanning device and a keypad he hadn't noticed before. He gingerly reached out and pressed a button. The scanner flashed, and the voice called out again.
Dick's eyes widened when he heard footsteps rushing back into the alley. His eyes strayed back to the keyboard. This seemed like some sort of secret entrance, but to where?
It only took a moment for him to decide that he'd rather be wherever this led than with the court, so he started hacking.
The same robotic voice called out again as Dick stepped out of the zeta tube, immediately falling to his knees and emptying what little had been in his stomach onto the floor.
Quick footsteps echoed in the dank cave, and before Dick knew it there was an old man pointing a double barrel shotgun at him. His head felt fuzzy, and he fell forward slightly, the gun pressing into his chest.
A sharp prick in the back of his neck made Dick whimper. His limbs started to feel heavy, and moments later he fell to the side and lay motionless on the ground.
"Master Bruce, I don't think that was completely necessary. The boy looked like he was about to collapse on his own anyway," Alfred said, raising a brow.
"Intruder," Bruce said with a shrug, folding his arms across his chest.
3 sets of footsteps echoed in the cave, and Jason came into view, followed by Damian and Tim. "Uhhhhhh," he said, "this definitely wasn't what I expected to see when I read your text."
"Yeah," Tim added. "I don't think this is an appropriate time to use lol."
"Come on young sir. You can't expect Master Bruce to know what lol means when he doesn't laugh to begin with," Alfred retorted.
Jason snorted. "He got you good old man," he said, slugging Bruce in the shoulder.
Bruce grunted, grabbing one of Dick's arms and starting to drag him over to one of the Batcave's holding cells.
Dick kept his breathing even as he awoke. His eyes were closed, but he could already tell he wasn't with the court. For one, he was on laying on the softest bed he'd ever laid on in his life, and he also didn't feel the brain numbing stiffness that came when he was removed from his pod.
He could hear the sound of his own breathing much louder than he'd have liked, as well as the faint sound of bats screeching.
Opening his eyes proved him to be in some sort of cell. Even though it was a cell, it was still much nicer than the room Dick had with the court.
A one way mirror made up one wall, the others made from roughly hewn stone.
He could see three boys standing on the other side of the mirrored wall, his enhanced eyesight proving itself useful.
A piece of the rock slid away, and Bruce himself stepped into the cell, clad in his Batman suit.
Dick froze when he saw Bruce standing in front of him, all color draining from his skin as he started to shake, eyes wide with fear.

Dick Grayson one shots
FanfictionOne shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Updated weekly :)