Exchange P2

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JordynAdams1 special chapter just for you

The first thing Dick was aware of was his own uneven rasps of breath. He flinched when he heard the noise echoing back at him, and whatever he was lying on crinkled.

He slowly became aware of how uncomfortable he was. A lingering sense of anxiety pressed on his chest and his throat was dry and scratchy.

There was a pounding in his head as well that intensified as his most recent memories filtered back into his mind.

Darkness clawed at the back of his consciousness, the nothingness seeming temptingly peaceful. For a long moment he debated surrendering to it, not knowing what he'd find when he opened his eyes.

The anxiety increased as he mulled it over, compounding until he finally forced himself to open his eyes.

The steril lighting of the Batcave med bay glared down at him harshly, the noise of shuffling nearby alerting him to the fact that he wasn't alone.

Relief washed away the panic when Tim's familiar form entered his field of view, a glass of water in his outstretched hand.

Dick struggled to push himself up into more of a sitting position, gratefully taking the water and sipping on it slowly.

"We need to talk," Bruce's voice came from somewhere out of Dick's field of view.

The tone of voice he'd used told Dick he wasn't in for some simple small talk.

"Why?" Was the only thing Bruce asked once he was standing in front of him.

Dick looked down at his lap, chewing on his bottom lip. "It was the only way I'd ever get my wish," he said, his voice harsh from disuse.

Bruce froze momentarily, surprised when Dick spoke. He watched the younger wince and rub at his throat. "You were always planning on betraying our trust," he stated.

"No!" Dick said, voice cracking painfully. "I-I'd never... I... I didn't want to..."

"When did you change your mind?" A new voice hissed. Jason... "Was it when we took you in? When we made you part of our family?! Or did the guilt hit you only just before you were supposed to hand over our secrets?"

"When you... when I... I-I saw... you had a family... I couldn't... I was never planning on telling her your secret," Dick mumbled, his eyes getting misty. He was a horrible person. How could he have manipulated them like that? And all to get what he wanted. So selfish.

Jason huffed and walked away.

Dick looked back to Bruce, gaze searching for some understanding, some thread of forgiveness.

Seeing the disappointment and lack of trust in the man's gaze felt to Dick as if someone had reached into his chest and ripped his heart out, leaving him to fade away in its absence.

"I can't believe you'd risk all of our lives like that Dick," Bruce finally said, his disappointment clear in his voice. "There are lots more people who depend on me... depend on us... to risk that just so you could live your fantasy of being a superhero..." Bruce shook his head.

"That wasn't-

Bruce cut Dick off with a glare. "If Jason hadn't shot her when he did..." he trailed off, dragging a hand over his face.

"Is she... gone?" Dick asked, his voice small.

"No," Bruce growled. "She disappeared." His gaze shifted back to Dick, softening slightly. "Lay back down and get some rest," he said somewhat gently.

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