Dick slid through his bedroom window, wincing from the nights acquired cuts and bruises. He glanced longingly at his bed. He wanted nothing more than to just curl up and sleep... but the empty ache of his stomach, and the throbbing pain in his arm were calling him elsewhere.
Leaving the room with a sigh, Dick peeled off the top of his costume, exposing the knife wound on his shoulder. He made quick work of it, stitching it up as best he could before tending to his more minor injuries and changing into something more comfortable.
'I could really go for some cereal right now,' Dick thought to himself, practically able to taste the delicious flakes of his favorite cereal on his tongue... he'd splurged earlier in the week, and bought some of his favorite cereal when it had been on sale. It had been waiting for him all week...
Dick stepped into his kitchen and flicked on the light. And immediately froze. Jason was standing in his kitchen, a spoon hovering halfway to his mouth.
"Don't be angry," Jason said around a mouthful of cereal.
Dick stood there for a moment, frozen in complete shock. He gained a bit of his senses back after a moment. "Who wouldn't be angry?" He asked, folding his arms across his chest. "You ate all my cereal and faked your death for 3 years!"
Jason cringed and looked at the empty box beside him... he'd been really hungry. "Hey, it wasn't faked," he said, setting down the empty bowl and crossing his own arms over his chest as he felt a prickle of anger flash through him.
Dick stomped over to Jason, shoving him off of where he'd been seated on the counter. "What is wrong with you?" he asked, his voice close to a growl.
"What's wrong with you?!" Jason retorted, shoving Dick away so hard that he slammed into kitchen wall and fell hard to the floor.
Jason's eyes widened and he immediately reached down to help Dick up.
Dick grabbed onto the younger's hand and flipped him onto the ground, jumping up and standing in a loose fighting stance.
Jason snarled as he jumped to his feet, lashing out with his fists.
Dick weaved to the side, vaulting over Jason's shoulders and hooking his knee around his brother's neck.
Jason clawed at Dick's leg, stumbling backwards until he slammed into the kitchen island.
Dick fell to the ground with a cry, tears gathering in his eyes as he jumped up, trying to kick out Jason's legs while he was still bending over gasping for air.
Jason hopped over the kick, turning and sending a forceful punch towards Dick's face.
Dick tried his best to dodge, the fist connecting with his injured shoulder.
Jason stepped back, eyes widening when Dick cried out, trying to apply pressure to his now reopened wound as he slid to the ground, his tears now running down his cheeks.
The younger reached out a hand to help Dick up, but the elder simply flinched away, blood starting to pool through his fingers.
Jason knelt at his brother's side. "I'm sorry Bluebird... let me help you," he said softly.
Dick's lip trembled. "Y-you died... you... you were gone," he sniffled.
"I got better?" Jason replied.
"And you ate all my cereal," Dick said, swatting at Jason's arms as he reached forward to scoop him up.
"I'll buy you more cereal." Jason scooped Dick up in his arms.
"But I'm hungry now," Dick whined, his head falling to rest on Jason's shoulder.
"You're not gonna starve, stop being so dramatic," Jason replied, peeking into various doors to try and find the bathroom. "Hey, keep your eyes open," he said when Dick's eyes started to slip closed, his hand slipping off his shoulder and hanging down.
Dick whimpered, stirring slightly in Jason's arms.
Jason set Dick gently on the bathroom floor, rolling up a towel to put under his head. "I'm gonna stitch you back up Dickie," he said, more to himself than to his brother.
It didn't take long for Jason to restitch and bandage the wound, gathering up the bloody clothes and rags and tossing them in the wash and carrying Dick to his bed.
Jason stared at his brother for a moment. Dick looked so peaceful in his sleep, quite the opposite of the obvious distress he'd been in when he'd seen his not so dead brother.
Some distress had been expected, but Jason hadn't meant for Dick to actually see him. Not yet at least.
Jason's gaze strayed to the window. Dick would probably be wanting to talk to him when he woke up... but if he didn't disappoint the family who would? So he left.
The next night Dick decided to go on patrol. It hadn't been a very good idea, especially with his shoulder, but his emotions had been all over the place and he needed some sort of an outlet.
When he came home for the night, still lamenting the loss of his cereal, he changed into sweats and stumbled into the kitchen to scrounge up a post patrol snack.
Jason was making himself at home, sitting on the counter next to a new box of cereal and a gallon of milk.
Dick froze for a moment before he ran and wrapped his brother in a hug. "Jay," he sobbed.
Jason chuckled, running a hand through Dick's tangled curls. "And here I was thinking you only cared about the cereal."
Dick let out a wet laugh. "Family takes first place... cereal is a close second."

Dick Grayson one shots
FanfictionOne shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Updated weekly :)