After the honeymoon phase

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Dick bit his lip as he dug shards of glass out of his skin. He glanced longingly at the shower, wishing he could take a shower to try and wash out the disgusting smell of alcohol from the bottle that had been smashed on his shoulder.

Shifting from the adjoined bedroom drew Dick's attention.

"Dick?" Jason's voice called.

"I'm coming... just brushing my teeth," Dick called, panic welling in his chest.

The bed creaked, and heavy footsteps echoed through the apartment as Jason made his way to the bathroom.

"Brushing your teeth huh," he growled. "You think I'm stupid or something? You brushed your teeth 30 minutes ago."

Dick cowered away from Jason. "I-I just—

"I don't care!" Jason interrupted. "Get out of the bathroom and stop making noise so I can get some sleep."

Dick nodded, eyes wide and breathing fast.

Jason turned around and stomped back to bed, leaving Dick to hurriedly flick the lights off and make his way to his blanket on the floor where he slept.

A pit grew in Dick's stomach as he made his way back home from work. He'd woken up later than usual this morning and hadn't had time to make something for Jason to eat for breakfast... something that he probably wouldn't get off the hook for.

Dick tried to enter their apartment as quietly as he could, hoping that Jason wouldn't be home. He managed to get inside without too much noise, but his breath caught when he stepped on a particularly creaky floorboard.

After a few moments of waiting frozen in the entry hall Dick relaxed and breathed a sigh of relief. 'Jason must not be home," he thought to himself.

Dick slowly made his way to the kitchen to start preparing dinner before Jason got back from wherever he was.

It had barely been 5 minutes when the door to the apartment opened, closing with a slam.

Dick's chest tightened in panic. He had only just started working on dinner. Jason would be mad.

The stench of alcohol invaded Dick's nose as Jason entered the kitchen.

"Where's dinner?" Jason demanded, his voice slightly slurred.

"I'm making it," Dick said, pressing himself into the cupboard to get as far from Jason as he could.


Dick put a hand over his stinging cheek, tears pricking his eyes.

"You're the laziest person I know. You slept in this morning and don't make me any breakfast, then I come home and you haven't even made dinner!" Jason shouted, stalking closer to where Dick was pressing himself against the cupboards.

"I-I'm sorry, I just got h-home," Dick stuttered, panic growing.

Jason paused for a moment, simply glaring at Dick. His brows furrowed after a second, and he snatched Dick's left hand from where it was gripping the counter. "Where's your ring?" He snarled.

Dick's eyes flicked down to the faint tan line that indicated the spot where his simple silver wedding band had rested earlier that day. "I-it broke a-and the pieces fell down a storm drain.

A heavy blow to the side of Dick's head left his ears ringing, and the next sent him to the ground where he huddled as Jason rained blows down on him.

"You useless piece of crap," Jason shouted while punching and kicking Dick as he curled up on the floor. "Don't you know that that was expensive?! You shouldn't have been so reckless with it!"

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