"No," Jason muttered, wiping the frost from the small glass portion of what looked like some sort of cryogenic coffin. What he saw inside was nearly enough to send him into some sort of a panic attack.
It was the face of his dead brother.
Jason took a ragged breath as he tried to steady himself. He needed to think clearly.
After a few more deep breaths Jason started fiddling with the small control panel on the frozen pod.
He pressed buttons randomly until he saw the frost beginning to recede from the inside of the glass.
The pod opened with a hiss and Dick fell limply into Jason's arms. "Dickie... what happened to you?" He muttered quietly.
Dick remained completely still, his skin cold to the touch.
Jason bit his lip, a tear dripping off his chin and splashing onto Dick's pale face.
Dick suddenly twitched, his chest expanding with a breath.
Jason screamed, dropping the acrobat and backing up across the room.
Dick sucked in another breath and jumped to his feet.
Jason covered his mouth to smother the scream he nearly let out. "Dickie?" He asked uncertainly.
Dick turned towards Jason's voice and tilted his head slightly to the side, taking a step closer to him.
Jason stepped back again, his back bumping into another one of the coffins. He spun around quickly, relieved to see that this coffin was empty.
Dick continued walking forward, curiously reaching out a hand and brushing a finger across Jason's bright red helmet. He made a curious cooing noise, tilting his head to the side.
Jason pulled his helmet off, and he swore there was a hint of recognition that flickered in Dick's eyes.
Dick stared at Jason for a moment with his brows slightly furrowed. He held eye contact for a moment before his eyes were drawn back to Jason's helmet. The color seemed to intrigue him, a red that looked so eerily similar to fresh blood... he reached out and took the helmet, immediately trying to shove it onto his own head.
"No Dickie, that's backwards," Jason said, trying to help the elder put the helmet on the right way.
As soon as Jason's hand touched his own Dick recoiled, dropping the helmet and backing up across the room. His eyes darted over to his pod and he whimpered quietly. This man was surely going to punish him. He wore a mask just like the owls, and Dick knew he wasn't supposed to touch the owls' masks...
Jason approached Dick, watching as the acrobat curled in on himself.
Dick was expecting Jason to beat him or lecture him, at the very least shove him back into his pod... but what he wasn't expecting was the concern that shone in the slightly familiar eyes that looked back at him.
"I'm not going to hurt you," Jason said soothingly. He waited for a moment, watching as Dick relaxed slightly. "I can tell you don't like it here," he said. "Would you like to come with me? I can get you out of here and take you back to your family."
"F...family?" Dick whispered, his voice harsh from disuse.
"Ya, there's me, Damian, Tim, Alfred, Bruce..." Jason trailed off, noticing Dick's look of extreme concentration.
"Jay... son? Jason?" Dick mumbled under his breath uncertainly.
"Yes!" Jason shouted, startling Dick enough to make him jump.
Jason flushed. "It's me Jason... Jay..." he said, staring into Dick's eyes and silently pleading for him to remember something.
Dick's thoughts swirled in his head. This person seemed so familiar... he felt as if there was something he should remember about him, some memory that he was trying to reach for that just wasn't there. The harder Dick tried to grasp at the fleeting memories of Jason the further they slipped away.
"Please Dickie. Let me bring you home," Jason pleaded, taking one of Dick's hands in his own.
Dick resisted the urge to snatch his hand away. This Jason person didn't seem like he was going to hurt him.
"Please," he repeated.
"Home?" Dick mumbled, tilting his head to the side.
"Home," Jason said, moving towards the door.
Dick took a few steps forward before pausing and glancing at Jason for a moment, tilting his head a bit to the side.
"Dickie?" Jason called. "You coming?"
"Coming," the talon said, prancing over to the pod he'd been in, and grabbed a nondescript black mask, grinning broadly as he ran over and showed it to Jason.
Dick put on the mask, bouncing up and down with glee.
Jason smiled despite himself. "Come on Bluebird, let's get you home."
Everyone was standing in the cave, wondering what Jason could possibly want to show them that was this important.
A motorcycle pulled up, Jason sitting with someone behind him.
Bruce immediately tensed. Jason knew there was a strict no visitors policy in the cave.
Jason hopped of his bike, helping Dick off and leading the elder over to where everyone else was standing in a more than slightly menacing looking semicircle.
"Who's this?" Bruce asked, arms folded across his chest.
Jason looked to his side, only to find Dick huddling behind his back. "You can come out," he said softly, guiding Dick back to his side.
Dick whimpered quietly, pressing himself as close to Jason as he could.
"Could you take off your mask?" Jason asked, putting an arm around Dick's shoulder for some sort of comfort.
Dick glanced from Bruce to Jason and back again, trying once again to slide behind Jason's back and hide.
Jason slowly reached for Dick's mask, watching for any sign of fear or reluctance from his brother. When there was none, he gently removed the mask from his brother's face.
Dick blinked once the mask was off, rubbing at his eyes for a moment until they adjusted to the lighting of the cave.
The rest of the family had fallen silent, staring at the man they'd mourned for years.
Dick stiffened and let out an alarmed squeak when Damian barreled into him. The boy who'd been so small when Dick had seen him last now equaled him in hight. "I missed you," he said, tears filling his eyes.
It was only a moment before Dick was at the center of a group hug.
The talon softened in the embrace, making a contented humming noise. "Love you," he mumbled quietly, wrapping his arms around those he could reach.
Jason smiled as he joined in on the hug. "We love you too Dickie."

Dick Grayson one shots
FanfictionOne shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Updated weekly :)