This chapter is dedicated to timdrakeisnotwhelmed because it was inspired by a conversation we had...
This chapter was originally just this picture of an ostrich with a grappling gun... but it sparked an idea...
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Dick sat on the Wayne Industries building, swinging his feet back and forth. He hummed the tune to a song his parents would always sing to him. 'Alone again,' he thought to himself with a sigh.
It had been a hard week in a hard month in a hard year, and, as per usual, none of his family members cared enough to check up on him. So Dick had gone on patrol. At least this way he wouldn't have to be completely alone.
Sirens in the distance pulled Dick from the spiral of thought he'd been pulled into. He pulled out his grappling hook with another long sigh and swung off toward the noise.
What he found when he arrived was what seemed to be a routine robbery... that was until Dick caught a glimpse of none other than Oswald Cobblepot, The Penguin himself.
It didn't take Dick long to decide to follow the bird themed villain. He was a vigilante after all. He didn't need probable cause to follow someone who was looking suspicious.
Dick followed Cobblepot to the edge of the city where he stopped at an old condemned building that had once been a high school. "Very suspicious," he mumbled under his breath as he snuck into the building as quietly as he could.
Cobblepot made his way to the school's old auditorium, peering through the small window on the door for a moment before opening it and slipping inside.
Dick emerged from the shadows and walked through the school's halls. He couldn't simply enter through the door the Penguin had used... at least not if he wanted to retain the element of surprise, so he looked for anything that might be another way in.
After a few minutes Dick found a small door labeled tech. He carefully picked the lock before entering and climbing the short staircase up to what looked like a control booth. He peered through a grimy window and had to stifle a gasp when he saw what was inside.
Birds of all shapes and sizes roamed through the room, climbing on the stage and perching on the chairs in the audience. There were turkeys, peacocks, penguins, parrots, and there was even an ostrich...
So this is where all the zoo's missing birds had gone.
Dick looked around the small booth and noticed a ladder leading up to a catwalk with the theater's lights mounted next to it, probably something tech crew used for special effects.