Dino nuggies and chocy milk

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Monday was absolutely insane... so here we are having an update on not Monday on the second week of switching to Monday updates :)

Bruce's eyes fluttered open. He blinked tiredly, about to let his eyes fall shut for just a few more hours of sleep.

Gold eyes stared back at him like little headlights, glowing faintly in the darkness.

Bruce shot up in bed, his heart pounding.

"Dickie, you scared me," he breathed, hand pressed over his racing heart.

The gold eyes blinked up at Bruce, and only then did he realize they were filled with tears.

"What's wrong?" Bruce asked, sliding out of bed and kneeling in front the ex talon.

Dick took a shaky breath and whimpered quietly, pointing to his stomach.

"Your stomach hurts?" Bruce asked.

Dick bobbed his head.

Bruce felt the acrobat's forehead with the back of his hand. "You don't feel warm... Do you feel sick?"

Dick poked at his stomach again.

Bruce sighed softly. "Is that a yes?" He asked.

Dick's stomach grumbled.

"You're hungry," Bruce stated.

Dick shifted, gaze dropping to the floor as he processed the statement. He was still unfamiliar with a lot of things... hunger, it seemed was one of them.

His brow furrowed. He had thought that this feeling was something unique to him. None of the other talons had seemed to experience it after all...

There was some comfort to be found in the fact that Bruce seemed to be familiar with this hunger thing.

Dick raised his glowing golden eyes up to meet Bruce's gaze, lifting his arms in a silent plea for him to pick him up.

Bruce obliged, balancing the tiny 8 year old on one hip while he headed to the kitchen.

Dick rested his head on Bruce's shoulder, taking comfort from the man's presence.

Bruce on the other hand, mulled over the fact that Dick didn't seem to be familiar with the concept of hunger.

He'd heard from Alfred that the acrobat would come to him on occasion for a midnight snack, but the ex talon seemed to be preferring to come to Bruce for help recently.

Something about that made Bruce happy. He was glad Dick had started trusting him more, dropping some of the habits the court had drilled into him.

Bruce made sure to keep his steps light as he entered the kitchen, opening the cupboard and grabbing a plate to put some snacks on.

He grabbed a few grapes from the fridge, something he knew for sure the acrobat liked before pondering the other options.

Dick had proven to be a picky eater, seemingly distrustful of any new foods he was offered.

Grapes were a great snack, but they wouldn't necessarily be enough to hold the little acrobat over until breakfast.

Bruce stood there for a moment before grabbing a second plate and opening the freezer.

A box of dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets had been stacked on top of the neat rows of frozen prepped meals and other various ingredients.


"I'm going to make a snack for me too alright?" Bruce said, opening the box and placing some of the dino nuggets onto the plate.

Dick shifted slightly, eyeing the unfamiliar food.

"These ones are for me," Bruce reassured, hoping if he showed the ex talon that the food was safe he'd show some interest in it.

Bruce put the plate in the microwave before washing a few grapes and putting them on Dick's plate.

When the microwave beeped Bruce set Dick down on the ground and retrieved the plate of dino nuggets.

Dick climbed onto one of the stools at the kitchen island and started happily crunching on his grapes.

Bruce seated himself next to the acrobat and started enjoying his midnight snack as well.

Dick glanced down at Bruce's plate, tilting his head and making a curious cooing noise.

Bruce held up one nugget. "They're shaped like dinosaurs... well... I don't know if you know what dinosaurs are... but they lived on the Earth a long time ago..." he trailed off.

Dick simply sat and watched him with his big golden eyes.

"Uhh... you want to try one?" Bruce asked hopefully.

Dick sat for a moment before nodding.

Bruce pushed the plate over to him. "Go ahead," he encouraged.

Dick tentatively grabbed a t-rex shaped chicken nugget. He sniffed it before taking a nibble.

His lips stretched into a smile as he took another bite.

"You like those?" Bruce asked.

Dick nodded enthusiastically.

"Have as many as you'd like," Bruce replied, pleased by his success.

He watched Dick enjoy his snacks with a smile on his face, his thoughts drifting.

Surely Alfred had stocked the fridge with some sort of juice... he didn't want to push his luck by introducing too many new foods to the little acrobat all at once... but it couldn't hurt to try just one more thing...

He stood and opened the fridge again, his eyes landing on a carton of chocolate milk.


Of course it was the healthy stuff... the healthiest chocolate milk could be at least, but chocolate milk was chocolate milk.

He poured a glass of the stuff and sat back down next to his ward.

Dick seemed to be finished with what he wanted of his snacks, so Bruce decided to take a moment to clean up before offering the chocolate milk.

"You up for trying one more new thing?" He asked once he'd put everything away.

Dick seemed hesitant, but he gave Bruce a nod.

Bruce sat back down, offering the glass of chocolate milk.

Dick stared at it for a moment, brow furrowed.

"This was one of my favorite drinks when I was your age," Bruce said. "My dad would sneak me some sometimes when nobody else was looking. It's like normal milk with chocolate added."

Dick looked back and forth between Bruce and the glass.

"Here," Bruce said, pouring himself a glass. "I'll try it too."

He took a sip of the stuff, surprised by how good it was despite the carton's reassurance that it was all natural something or other.

Dick drank from his own glass, his eyes widening slightly when he tasted the chocolaty drink. He let out a pleased chirp and finished off the glass.

Bruce smiled at the ex talon.

How such a little boy could bring so much joy into his life he'd never know... but he was grateful nonetheless.

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