Only human P2

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This one's for jasnikkolfiveharry Enjoy!!

TW: Mentions of r*pe
National s*xual assault hotline: 1-800-656-4673

"You know I'm not playing this stupid game right," Jason said, arms folded across his chest. He raised an eyebrow as Dick continued coming closer, arm reached out to tag him.

"Come on," Dick whined. "You used to love playing tag on patrol."

"When I was a child," Jason countered, his tone more biting than he'd actually meant.

Dick's smile faltered for a second before he was darting forward and tagging Jason. "Tag!" He called, running over to the edge of the roof.

"I hope you know I'm not going to chase you."

Dick grinned. "You sure about that?" He asked, holding up the two magazines from Jason's guns.

Jason checked his guns... and sure enough, the magazines were gone.

"Give them back," Jason called as he chased his brother across the rooftops.

"You'll have to tag me first," Dick shouted back, giggling as he swung to another building.

Jason had no real chance of catching up with his brother, and he was tired of playing keep away.

Dick hopped over to another roof, Jason followed a few seconds later, glaring furiously under his helmet.

Jason grabbed one of his guns from his holster, and threw it, aiming for Dick's shoulder, reasoning that it shouldn't hurt too bad since it was significantly lighter without the magazine.

Dick looked over his shoulder just after Jason had thrown the gun, the weapon hitting him on the forehead. He fell to the ground, tumbling over himself and landing on his back, a trail of blood dripping down his forehead.

Jason skidded to a halt, checking to make sure Dick was okay before he pinned him on the roof, straddling his waist so he couldn't escape, and checking through the pockets on his utility belt to find his guns' magazines.

"H-hood," Dick voice came as a scared whisper. "Get off... p-please get o-off."

Jason ignored Dick's pleading and continued his search, finding what he was looking for soon enough.

Dick was shaking, his breath coming in short gasps. "J-Jay," he whimpered. "G-get off."

Jason snapped to attention when he heard Dick call him by his actual name. He knew not to do that on patrol...

Dick was quickly falling into a panic attack. His chest ached from his inability to draw breaths, his trembling growing stronger.

Jason immediately got off of his brother, taking a few steps away and cautiously calling his name.

Sound faded to a sort of buzzing in Dick's ears for a moment before he managed to regain a bit of control over his breathing, trying to banish the flashbacks that were pushing their way into his mind.

"Are you ok?" Jason asked.

This time Dick was able to hear him. He shook his head, resting it on the cool cement of the building's roof for a moment and closing his eyes before he abruptly lurched to the edge of the roof, expelling the contents of his stomach into the alley below.

"Wing? What's wrong?" Jason asked, making the mistake of stepping closer.

Dick's breath caught when he saw Jason come closer, and he dove off the roof, shooting out a grappling line and swinging away.

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