This is the attempt to fill a request from @lampterracoon :) Hopefully you like it!
Dick knew Jason didn't have very many friends, if any. So even though he wasn't on good terms with Bruce he'd show up every once and a while if just for the younger boy's sake.
Jason on his part loved when Dick came over. He idolized his elder brother.
Dick made sure he took time to sit down with Jason usually about once a week to talk about how school was going, how things had been with Bruce, training, and whatever was on the younger's mind at the time.
Eventually Jason and Dick grew very close, the younger breaking down walls he'd built up years ago and letting his brother help him through some of the pain he'd experienced as a child.
"I don't think I've ever let anyone get this close to me," Jason said one day, both boys perched on the manor's roof to watch the sunset before patrol.
"I guess that must mean we're best friends," Dick said with a smile.
Jason's grin stretched from ear to ear. He'd never had a best friend before. "You should come on patrol with us tonight," he begged, making puppy dog eyes.
Dick chuckled and ruffled Jason's hair. "Sorry, Jay. There's some business going down in 'haven I've got to take care of," he said.
Jason pouted cartoonishly, folding his arms and sticking out his bottom lip.
Dick laughed. "Next time," he promised, giving Jason a side hug.
"I'm holding you to that," Jason said, turning the side hug into a full hug.
Dick looked around the watchtower. Surely Bruce had brought Jason to welcome him back. When he'd been called up for an emergency off world mission Dick had messaged Bruce asking him to let Jason know. Hopefully he had.
Everyone else was milling around, talking, smiling, laughing. Giving updates on how well the mission had gone... But Dick was still looking for a mop of raven hair, or a man in a black onesie with a sign that said 'Party pooper'... He didn't see either.
"Have you seen B anywhere?" Dick asked Clark.
"No, let me look though," he said squinting his eyes slightly as he used his x-ray vision. "Doesn't look like he's here."
Dick huffed out a sigh. Of course Bruce wouldn't want to come see his son who'd been in space for 4 months. "I guess I'll just have to pop in then," he said, walking towards the zeta tubes.
Of course Dick's zeta access to the cave was still restricted. That hadn't stopped him before though, and it wasn't going to stop him now.
Dick stepped out into the cave, the sound of his improvised zeta tag of 'Bruh' still echoing.
A little black haired boy ran over to Dick "Intruder!" He shouted, launching an attack.
"Woah woah woah, calm down kid. I'm looking for B," Dick said, sidestepping the kicks and punches sent his way.
"Who's B?" The boy asked, pulling a Batarang from his back pocket and throwing it at Dick.
"Uh, Batman... Bruce," Dick said, dodging the flying projectile.
"How do you know that?" The boy demanded, his attacks becoming more furious.
"Look kid," Dick started, "I didn't want to do this." He threw a bola at his attacker, the younger yelping as he fell to the ground.
The boy squirmed and shouted, "Let me out of here!!"

Dick Grayson one shots
FanfictionOne shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Updated weekly :)