There was a storm brewing in Gotham. Heavy black clouds hung low over the city, obscuring the tops of the tallest buildings and blocking out any light that the stars or moon may have had to offer.
The bone-chilling wind that blew through the city held a note of foreboding as it whistled through tree branches and around the wandering pedestrians.
Dick and Jason were sitting on the edge of a rooftop, their legs hung off the edge, Dick's slowly swinging back and forth.
It had been a quiet night on patrol, so the two had decided to wait together for something to actually do.
Suddenly, the small communicator in both boy's ears crackled to life.
"Hood, Wing. We need your help taking down a man calling himself Midas... we're currently fighting on the rooftop of the old theater," Bruce's voice crackled into their ears.
"Looks like we'll finally get some action," Dick said, hopping up before pulling Jason to his feet.
Dick and Jason arrived just in time to see Batman be turned to stone by Midas' glowing hands.
The villain let out an evil laugh as the stone spread across Bruce's body, solidifying the dark night's face into one of surprise.
Dick growled and tried to rush forward, but Jason held him back.
"Wing," Jason said softly, his grip loose on his lover's wrist. "Don't rush in there without a plan... Please... I... I can't loose you too."
Dick looked up at Jason lovingly, glad that his husband had chosen to forego his red helmet tonight. He reached up and wiped a tear from Jason's cheek. "I would never leave you Jay... not by any choice of my own," he said, placing a soft kiss on Jason's lips.
Their moment was cut short by a cry from the rooftop. Damian was now a statue, and Midas was closing in on Tim, who lay on the ground with his leg twisted the wrong way.
Midas' touch turned Tim to stone before Jason or Dick could get over to the other roof, leaving the two of them facing the man with the glowing hands all on their own.
Dick attached his escrima sticks together, making them into a bow staff. Hopefully he'd be able to keep some distance between him and the glowing hands that spelled certain defeat.
Jason prayed to the clouds to release their rain, having a theory that the water might reverse the transformation of flesh and blood to stone like it had for the original Midas in Greek mythology.
Dick and Jason attacked together, perfectly in sync, two halves of a whole.
For a moment it looked like they might be winning. Midas stumbled back, and hadn't yet managed to turn anything else into stone.
Suddenly, Midas was moving faster than either of the boys had anticipated, lunging toward Jason with one glowing hand outstretched.
Dick didn't even have to think about his decision as he dove in front of his husband, stone spreading over his skin as his momentum sent him toppling off the roof.
Jason's ears rang, echoing with screams that he finally realized were his own. He leapt off of the building, shooting out a line that gently lowered him down, where Dick's stone body lay shattered on the ground.
All at once, rain started poring from the heavens, falling on the various statues that the members of the bat family had become, and slowly changing the stone back to skin.
A scream rang out, this time from Midas' mouth as he watched the glowing light that his hands had been coated with slowly wash away in the rain.
Jason couldn't focus on that though, he simply stared at the pile of rubble that had once been his husband, tears streaming down his face.
Shattered... Dick was gone, and nothing could fix that. Not even the rain.

Dick Grayson one shots
أدب الهواةOne shots about Dick Grayson and the members of the Batfam. Updated weekly :)