Big brother

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Whumptober day 18: revenge

Jason grinned, staring down the barrel of his gun. Tim, his replacement, in his sights. He breathed out, readying himself to fire the killing shot.

Another figure stepped in front of the young Robin, a man who certainly wasn't Bruce ruffling the kid's hair.

Jason mumbled curses under his breath. The moment was ruined. He'd have to wait to get his revenge. But he was patient.

Jason was annoyed at the man who periodically trailed Bruce and Tim, always happening to always stand in the most inconvenient of spots.

If he was being honest, he was just about ready to shoot the man in the back and be done with it. He was assuming it was his "elder brother" Dick, though he couldn't be sure. It had been a very long time since he'd last seen the elder.

As patient as Jason could be, he was starting to get to his whit's end. He needed his revenge. Needed to put Bruce through the same pain he'd felt when he'd returned home to find his spot as Robin taken by another black haired blue eyed boy.

In his mind, getting rid of Tim would make everything right.

Dick chased Tim across rooftops, enjoying the feeling of the wind ripping through his hair as he jumped and swung across Gotham. His smile faded for just a moment as he mourned the times he could've been doing this with Jason. The times he'd let slip through his fingers because he and Bruce weren't on good terms.

He forced on a fake smile as he kept running, his mind wandering, exploring the thoughts and feelings connected to Jason.

Perhaps if he'd been there more his brother wouldn't have had to die... he supposed that was one of the many things that made Jason's death his fault... at least according to Bruce.

It would be a lie to say he didn't at least somewhat agree with his mentor. There were so many things he could've done to prevent Jason's immature death.

Tim had stopped on a rooftop ahead of him, standing face to face with a tall man in a leather jacket.

Dick's heart rate picked up as he made his way to his brother's side.

"How nice of you to join us," the man said, his voice coming out monotone from whatever distortion device his blood red helmet contained.

"Didn't know it was a masquerade ball," Dick quipped. "Would've brought my nicer domino mask."

The man's shoulder's tensed, making Dick regret his joke.

Almost quicker than he could blink, the man had a gun pulled on Tim, the barrel trained between the boy's eyes.

Dick held up his hands in a placating gesture. "Woah there dude. Why are you trying to kill us?" He asked.

"Not you," Jason growled. "Just him."

"Okay," Dick said. "Why are you trying to kill him?"

Jason barked a laugh, the sound bitter and tense. "Revenge," he answered simply. "I've been waiting a long time to take my revenge on the Batman."

Dick grabbed one of Tim's trembling hands, slowly tucking the younger behind himself. "Kill me instead," he said, his voice even and calm.

"I know who I want to kill," Jason said. "The replacement."

Tim flinched at the venom in the word replacement.

"I was the first Robin. Batman's known me much longer than he's known this Robin. If you really wanted to strike him where it hurts you'd kill me a-and let the kid go," Dick said, his voice trembling slightly.

Truthfully he didn't believe it would hurt Bruce more to lose him. If anything he'd be glad to be rid of him. Based off of how he was treated most of the time anyway. Losing Tim surely would be the more devastating blow... but this man didn't seem to know that.

Jason pondered Dick's words for a moment, seeing the logic in them. After a few moments he tugged off his red helmet, watching with slight amusement as emotions flickered across Dick's face.

Shock, joy, remorse...

"You make a fair point Dickie," he said with a sneer. "Killing the little one would hurt Bruce. Killing you would destroy him." He fired his gun.

Dick gasped, struggling to stay standing as he pulled Tim more fully behind himself.

Crimson dripped down his chest, fiery pain snaking its way through his chest. Another gunshot echoed, another impact knocking him back.

He could vaguely hear Tim calling his name, the young Robin's voice choked with tears as he pleaded with Jason to see some sort of reason.

Dick suddenly realized he was lying on the ground, Tim cowering near his shoulder as Jason loomed over him. "C-couldn't f-f-finish off Joker f-for you... s-s-sorry," he choked out, his saliva mixing with blood in his throat.

"What is he talking about?" Jason demanded, glaring at Tim.

Tim flinched back. "H-he killed Joker a-after you died... B resuscitated him if I'm not mistaken," he spoke quietly.

Jason was taken aback. Dick had killed the Joker... actually killed him... of course Bruce had to go and revive the human cow pie... but Dick had killed him.

"B... B mourned your death Jason," Tim said softly. "He was killing himself slowly, beating down this city in his rage... I... I only wanted to help... to... to save him from himself."

Jason felt the anger he'd harbored for so long slowly draining from him. He'd been angry for so long, but at whom? Truly, the only one who deserved his wrath was the Joker.

He knelt at his brother's side, helping Tim to put pressure on one of the bullet wounds he'd inflicted moments before. He felt sick as he watched the crimson blood welling up between his fingers. He'd done this.

Dick grasped Jason's wrist. "Jay," he mumbled. "Jay, 'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Jason asked.

"My fault," Dick mumbled, groaning as Jason shifted the pressure on his wound.

It suddenly dawned on Jason that Dick blamed himself for the antihero's death. "It's not your fault," he replied softly, not knowing what to say.

He knew he should probably apologize for shooting the acrobat, but he couldn't bring himself to say the words 'I'm sorry'. "Stay awake," he said instead, watching Tim as the younger started on some very rudimentary first aid. "You won't get to witness the slap across the face I dish out to B if you die," he said.

Dick gave a weak smile. "S-seeing you alive a-again was all I needed," he mumbled. "I-I'd give up my life f-for you t-to have yours b-b-back a-any day."

Dick seemed to have forgotten he was actually speaking to Jason, something that was more than a little concerning.

Jason felt sick to his stomach. He should go... he'd only make things worse anyway.

Dick cried out when Jason left his field of vision. He tried to push himself up with his hands without much success as Tim managed to pin him down. "Jason," Dick mumbled, fighting against Tim's grasp.

Jason returned to his brother's side, concerned he'd bleed out if he continued to struggle. "I'm right here Dick," he said softly.

Dick relaxed, reaching out a hand to grasp Jason's own. "Don' go," he breathed, his eyelids hanging low.

Jason nodded slightly.

Dick's eyes slipped closed, his hand still gripping Jason's.

"I'm sorry," Jason whispered quietly, whether to Tim or to Dick he didn't know.

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