Losing you

959 24 15

Didn't quite know how to finish this one, so if you're not satisfied with the ending that'll be why

Also I think imma start updating on Mondays

Dick lay unmoving, his head was wrapped tightly with white bandages.

Bruce sat hunched over his son's medical bed. This was all his fault. If he hadn't been so stubborn, so insistent that he was right maybe his eldest wouldn't be lying on a gurney with an uncertain prognosis.

Of course he hadn't been able to stuff his pride down for just a moment, and Dick, ever the loyal soldier, was paying the price for Bruce's flawed plan.

Dick's eyes flickered open, his brows pressing together in confusion. "Bruce?" He called hesitantly. "Wh-where am I?" The fear in his voice was painfully obvious, causing Bruce's face to crease in concern.

"You're in the cave," Bruce said gently.

"I can see that I'm in a cave... but why?" Dick asked, trying to sit up and look around.

"Woah," Bruce said, gently pushing him back down. "What's the last thing you remember?" He asked, scared for what the answer would be.

Dick fell still, the color draining from his face. "Don't... don't know," he mumbled, staring off into the cave for a moment before turning to the side and emptying his stomach on the floor.

Bruce jumped to his feet, calling for Alfred.

The butler rushed over, placing a hand on Dick's sweaty forehead. "He has a fever," he mumbled.

Dick fell back onto the bed, squeezing his eyes closed. "Hurts," he mumbled quietly.

"I'll prepare the car Master Bruce," Alfred said, his voice tense. "He'll need more care than I can provide here."

Bruce nodded, removing the various medical equipment from Dick's body and scooping the younger up in his arms.

The ride to the hospital was almost silent, the air tense and thick with worry.

Bruce spoke when they were a few minutes away from the hospital. "What are we going to tell the public?" He asked.

Alfred's gaze hardened, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "Maybe you should've thought of that before your stubbornness caused this to happen in the first place," he ground out.

Bruce's gaze dropped down to his son's face. Dick's head was cradled in the elder's lap, his face scrunched up in pain. "This is all my fault," Bruce mumbled.

"I couldn't agree more," Alfred muttered in response, turning into the hospital parking and pulling up by the doors.

"I'm sorry Alfred," Bruce said, his voice barely a whisper.

"I do believe that does you no good now," Alfred replied coldly, pulling away to park the car after Bruce stepped out, his son in his arms.

Almost as soon as he stepped inside people were surrounding the billionaire, taking Dick away into the depths of the hospital.

Reporters were swarming the place mere minutes after they'd arrived, pressing Bruce for a statement about what had brought him to the hospital in such a rush.

And thus, while Leslie and her team assessed and tried to reverse some of the damage done to Dick's mind, Bruce spun a lie to make everything simply fade away...

Bruce fidgeted under Leslie's gaze.

"I really wish I could give you good news Bruce... we won't be able to tell for sure until the swelling around his brain goes down... but it's not looking good," she said, her own grief mirrored on Bruce's face.

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